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Hey all ..


I have to be honest I just need to rant .... lately my life and basically my whole family hasnt been stable we are all having problems .. nothing seems right or the way it should be everything and is going against us - I mention my family cause my problems are something and then I look at what they sometimes have to deal with and it makes it much worst

its not like someone is sick , or we cant pay our bills .. I always used to think Health and Wealth were everything and the most important .. Health might be but Im not sure money does so much .. Most of my life I was always dependant on money I always thought Id be okay cause my dad is rich or I could get anything I want growing up .. but now Im grown up and I look around I realised that I rarely feel moments of true happiness . I feel useless the majority of time and feel like my life is just slipping through my hands and the lives of ppl I love and I can do nothing about it . I look back and see how much my life has changed , everything always went right everything worked out for me ..not anymore I just feel like my life has changed into something different and something thats going to last forever this way .. I feel like I'll never be truly happy , Ill never find someone I love , Ill never be successful at the things I do ..and I will never be able to make my dreams come true . I know this might sound weird but I just feel strongly that some people are born to be happy and some to be miserable and I think I might be one of the miserable people


I cant expect my life to suddenly change - the reason Im so pesimstic is cause I saw what my mom went through , she never complains but I can see through her and see that she isnt happy , never comfortable with her living but the only thing that keeps her going is how much she loves her children and is willing to give up for them . Its not like shes a depressed person or anything she just lives life the way it is and accepts it , and life dosent always treat you good. I duno if this means anything to anyone but its the only way I can explain how I feel. Some people are just unlucky and never are truly happy and the world can be against them I guess


Its like I froze in a place and Im going backwards while people are moving forward .Thats the way I feel most of the time cause my life isnt improving the things I want to do arent working out for me or anyone else in my family for that matter


Im really close and dependant on my family as a whole I always feel we are one and anything that affects them affects me ... Im 18 and I just feel that there is a lot of stress on me and I really worry about everything maybe thats the problem but most of the time I think If Im 18 and Im going through this what does the future hold and thats what worries me the most . I might sound like im exaggerating or a drama queen ..Im not , I keep a lot of feelings inside me and never talk about them to anyone not even my best of friends cause some people dont understand . I bring up the issues sometimes with my mom or sister and they both feel the pressure and stress . Ive been through problems in my life I matured at a young age and was aware of things around me - I always used to remind myself that theres always light at the end of the tunnel ! Im starting to feel that sometimes you never see the light or you might see a ray for a second but never find that light .



And I guess Im posting this to see if theres any hope? if life changes ? if it just flips and becomes much better? or what Ive learnt about life from the people I see around me is true ? Its either Black or White . I wish I can do something to change it but I know I cant ..somethings I just cant do I can only talk and express my feelings about them but Cant fix them cause theyre just the way they are.

I guess at the end of the day I always have to thank God for everything and pray for him to make things better .


And I have to add that posting this message made me feel much better , Sometimes when I think too much and cant express to anyone it makes it worse.

Thanks for anyone who took the time to read this

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Nobody can carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. That's really what's bringing you down. But there is no expectations on you and your life except what you make them to be. We can find happiness anywhere. Look, the sun still shines. You're not into drugs and no matter what you say, there really IS always someone out there who has it much worse. Give it up. Let it go. Let God control and stop fighting. You dont need to.


Focus only on the type of person you want to be and how much of that, really, you already are.


Find what's good in what you already have. You are a beautiful soul and that too will always be yours... same with your thoughts and your dreams. You are special. Let the burdens go. THEY aren't you. ONly you know who that is and only you can bring it out. No matter what happens on the outside, it's the inside in which our true happiness lies.


Knock. Knock. Is she there?


(I'm glad you feel better after writing that. Sometimes that's all we need.)

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