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I have the knife to my wrist

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I reallly can't take it anymore!! everything in my life seems to go downhill..girls, love, my music, my job. I feel so alone. All of my friends are busy and I've lost friends because I'm always depressed. I threaten to kill myself when a girl hurts me or rejects me and I'm sick of it. "you're just too good enough for me" or I just wanna be friends" or "you're just too nicce of a oerson" the girls say to me all the time. This is all bull$#$#

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Musicguy, why do you feel like everything is downhill? Often we feel like this when it's usually just one department that isn't going the way we want. I remember feeling less functional in my job when I went through a break up, and that my relationships were harder when I was going through a hard time in my studies.


Maybe it helps to pinpoint the things where you really feel stuck in order to stay positive about the other stuff. Why do you feel your music is going downhill for example? Maybe it will really help you to play or listen right now.



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Please think about what you are doing musicguy! You need to speak to someone immediately! Find a counselor, pastor/priest, hotline...anything! Everyday is worth living, and there are people who love you with all their hearts!! Counseling is also going to give you a better perspective on how to get your life to where you want it to be!

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dont do it just think about all the people you will hurt all the people that love you, care bout you. i was like that once still am but i promise my friends that i wont do it and i have gotten help and it has picked me up abit. so LIVE and you will be happy soon i promise you

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everything in my life seems to go downhill..girls, love, my music, my job. I feel so alone. All of my friends are busy and I've lost friends because I'm always depressed. I threaten to kill myself when a girl hurts me or rejects me and I'm sick of it. "you're just too good enough for me" or I just wanna be friends" or "you're just too nicce of a oerson" the girls say to me all the time. This is all bull$#$#


I'm sorry you're so unhappy with the way your life is going but dying won't end the pain, it would only transfer it onto the people whom love you and despite how you may be feeling right now, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHOM LOVE AND CARE ABOUT YOU.


I'm sorry you feel so rejected by women but believe me when I tell you that any girl that would tell you that they don't want anything to do with you because you're nice is NOT the kind of girl you want to have within twenty five miles of you anyhow.


I've struggled with depression, off and on, for most of my life. Please seek some type of therepy because it really can help to put things back into perspective. You don't have to live this way, things can and do get better.


If you ever need someone to listen, feel free to PM me.

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I've known you for quite awhile. And I know for a fact you are a good guy with great goals. I'm not sure what specifically the issues are with the job and the girls but you know that no woman is worth your life (sorry ladies, no offense but it's true).


I also think it's time for a little counseling to sort out the issues in your life. I know at times it seems like everything is falling apart and you are so overwhelmed that there appears to be no way out. But there is. You just need to find the path.

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I'm terribly sorry that you feel that way. Things in life sometimes come down on us very roughly. Please take just a moment to visit this website:


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I hope that you don't feel too alone - we are all here for you. If we could be right by your side cheering you up, we would.

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  • 2 months later...



Since this thread was brought back up, how about an update on how you are? Last thing I remember things were looking better for you. That still true?


Remember, you are a great guy. You'll have lots of good things in your life. Don't lose hope. And I'm always here for you. So write back ok?

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