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I want to die

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She may be. Or she may not be. But unless you take a chance, you'll never know and all she can be is the girl you wish you had said something to. I have lots of those girls in my life. And as much as it hurts to think about the girl I said something to who liked me but then decided we should only be friends, I at least know that I tried and that I didn't just let the chance slip by again.

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Hey bro i know how your feeling there have been alot of times when ive felt like giving up i used to have alot of girl problems. And believe it or not most of it just comes from confidence and don't stop being nice. For me the thing was all i had to do was stop trying so hard and all of a sudden i was magically meeting new girls left and right and people finally saw the "glow"(my ever posotive attitude). What ever you do bro just dont give up do what i did each day find a way to better yourself. And dont become complacent. And about your job start looking for a job in that field. Take absolute charge of your life no matter what the conditions you are under. Good Luck Bro



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I swear each year my life keeps on going downhill. I have huge financial debt. Girls treat me like crap being I'm too nice and I'm not doing the career that I went to tech school for. I'm 26, I still live at home, I have no girl and most girls my age are already married or have kids. I love kids and I want kids, but in order for me to do that I need a girlfriend. I have a spending problem and the band that I'm in I'm not happy with. Every time someone (female) hurts me I cut myself or threaten to cut myself. Why live any longer?



It is worse to allow two people hurt you, let alone one. I understand how you feel. Your life may be going downhill, but it is up to you to reverse gears. You seem to be swalowing all of your problems at one time. By doing that, you cannot win. But if you tackle your problems one at a time, you can win battle after battle after battle, and then the war.


Do not give up. You are too young to feel like throwing away what will be a beautiful life. I am on your side and I am rooting for you.

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Saying "because it's you" doesn't have to mean its because you are a nice guy to her. It could mean a lot of different things, really not clear what she means. Could just be she's surprised because the thought hadn't occurred to her before. But does she seem opposed to the idea? Or does she think it could be fun?

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there are alot of things in life that most people take for granted. these are the things that you should live for. it may seem like you have nothing going for you and you are better off dead, but this is not the case. you may feel this way, but you dont seem to realise how many people you will hurt. i am 17 and, admittedly i have attempted suicide a few times, but i realised just in time that i had no need to die and that i could make something of my life. my mum commited suicide last year, her life was bad, but she still had people that loved and cared about her, she just didnt realise it. you need to think carfully about the people who care for you and make a list of all the positive things in your life. when you feel down, take out the list and remind yourself of the good things you have.

good luck

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Well then what are you waiting on man? If she likes the idea, start making plans. You have a chance, are you gonna let it slip by, or give it your best shot? Look at it like this, if it works out good, then you have what you wanted. If it doesn't, you can turn it into a song, name it after her, get a recording contact, release it to millions where it will sky rocket to the top of the charts, win a grammy, and she'll have to live knowing she messed up a chance with a celebrity like you. (hopefully that made you smile and laugh)

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Well, no girlfriend yet. But you are talking to the king of bad luck. I seem to have this pattern of going for girls who are either taken, to far away, and/or have been hurt before and extremely reluctant to start anything new. But it works to get up to flirting and a level of interest. Just something always prevents going over that extra hurdle.

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hey, cutting seems like the quickest way to make you feel better, but in the long run, it is not. dying is not the answer, think of the people you will leave behind and all the opportunities that you will miss out on. you will eventually manage you money problems and find someone that loves and respects you for you. if you ar enot happy in the band - leave it - find another - or talk to the other members and try and sort out the things you ar eunhappy with. you sound like you ar esuffering from depression so not being happy with the band could be due to that. it may not seem like it, but living at home is the best thing for you at the moment. until you are feeling at bit more secure about youself and are happier, the support you should receive from the family will help you through this difficult time. good luck and please do not get into the habit of cutting!

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