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Ugly, evil, white, and multiplying :oO

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That's what I noticed this morning when straightening my hair. I guess I hadn't picked up on it yet, since my hair is usually curly and the evil strands must have been hidden.


So I'm wondering, how old were YOU when you got your first grey/white hair?


I know my mom's hair didn't start turning until she was in her 30's. Is 25 "normal"?


If it was simply grey I might even be a little happier- but it's pure white, bright, and shining- it looks like it could glow in the dark. It could probably bring a ship home on a foggy night.


I know there's a quick fix- dye. I guess I'm just bummed that there is now one more thing added to my already-hectic self-maintenence routine.


Ok I'll stop now.




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Actually, I think that hair-going-grey thing is something that's primarily a function of one's genetic makeup.




I dunno...I seem to recall seeing the first gray one in my mid to late 20's. Not a whole lot of 'em...maybe one or two...but it's hard to tell because I was dyeing my hair a different color (auburn/red) back then, anyway.


Now that I decided to go back to my natural color, I'm seeing more of them, but that could simply be because my natural color is very dark brown almost black, so of course anything lighter is going to stick out like a sore thumb.


My solution was to find a permanent color (i.e. not one of those that washes out slowly over time...but one of those known in many brands as a "level 3") close to my own and I use it every 2-2.5 months when the gray roots start becoming visible.

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Right now most of them are in my underneath hair- meaning they're not on the top of my head but more like if I lift the first layer of my hair up- they'll be a bunch of white strands near eachother- like 5 together in a family. It's very noticible since my natural hair color is close to black. There are groups of 5 or so whites scattered throughout- I'd say at least 20 or more white hairs total. erg!


stress will also cause them


I've heard that too- if it is stress doing it me then I will have to expect my whole head to turn white soon.



Oh well looks like it time to give in and get it dyed.




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One or two white hairs is normal. I have gotten one or two now and then since I was well, a kid. And I likely will never get "grey hair" as redheads tend to have their hair "fade" rather the turn grey, but I still get the white one now and then!


I mean, that hair could of been there for a year and you just found it now, you know?


A single hair now and then can be related to hormonal changes, stress, diet, just as much as age. If they are pretty errant I would really not worry about.


It's when the new growth at the root starts being overwhelmingly grey it's a problem! However, I would not worry about it, if it bothers you, there is hair dye

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Why do we worry about getting grey hair? Why not instead see it as something postive? I think that if my hair was to turn grey or white, I would embrace it. Let it give me a more distinguished, wise, and scholarly look.


A few grey hairs here and there do not mean anything. A persons hair is but what lies on the top of their head, it does not reflect upon the person or say anything about them. So let your hair take its natural course.

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So let your hair take its natural course.


No way! lol


ShySoul, I admire your positive outlook on this actually-I WISH I could feel that way, but I'm not ready to embrace these white hairs in my 20's. Maybe if I was 60 or so, I'd give in.


And honestly, I feel young on the inside so I don't want grey hairs to age me on the outside because it would not properly reflect the person on the inside for me.


I think that if my hair was to turn grey or white, I would embrace it. Let it give me a more distinguished, wise, and scholarly look.



Of course, you're male. It isn't going not look as bad on you. My husband has a few greys- but his hair is so short you can't even notice. I, on the other hand, have really long dark hair- if I let it go grey and be natural I'll look like something like a cheap Halloween wig.


That's why I made a hair appointment for this week. Can't wait!





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Hmm. This hair topic is getting more interesting. On a similar note, I happen to be going bald, seriously bald. It's finally to the point where people have stopped telling me that I'm imagining it, and have switched to asking me what my doctor advises. And I've started wearing a headband to cover it because strangers are beginning to stare. I'm totally opposed to a wig or anything fake, (besides a hat or headband), so I'm thinking of how I will feel to walk around in life bald-headed. I'm also not reassured by the men who say, "look at me, I'm going bald too, I know how you feel" because there are bald men all over the place, but not so many bald women. And I'm also not so sympathetic to the men who tell me they know how I feel because they're having the same problem.


But I'm also like ShySoul... thinking this hair is completely superficial, just some stuff on the head. It says nothing about the person I really am. I look at those young women and children who have lost their hair to cancer treatments, and I think I will quit worrying over this and just embrace and accept it. I don't know if I'll ever get comfortable with it, but I definitely know that I should. And I know that losing all my hair definitely shouldn't be a reason to torture myself.

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Ok, so everyone doesn't think I'm completely innocent on the topic... as a kid I absolutely dreaded getting a hair cut. And I still put it off until absolutely necessary. Why would I want to lose my hair? My beautiful, silky, run your fingers through them hair....


But I'm also like ShySoul... thinking this hair is completely superficial, just some stuff on the head. It says nothing about the person I really am. I look at those young women and children who have lost their hair to cancer treatments, and I think I will quit worrying over this and just embrace and accept it. I don't know if I'll ever get comfortable with it, but I definitely know that I should. And I know that losing all my hair definitely shouldn't be a reason to torture myself.


When you put it like that, it changes your attitude a bit. I can understand wanting to look good, wanting it to be neat and nice looking. But on the larger scale, it really doesn't say anything about us. We make a big deal of things like that. For those who have been through cancer treatments or similar treatments, how must they feel? They learn that they are still beautiful without hair. If they can do it given what they go through, a little grey hair isn't much to worry about.


Miss M reminds me of a song. Enjoy:


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Thanks ShySoul. I actually count myself lucky that this has been happening slowly enough to give me some time to get accustomed to it. Cancer patients aren't so lucky. Also there's a commercial of a local girl, 7-8 years old, who is bald from cancer, and she totally lights up the world around her with her radiant smile. She's my role model and inspiration.


And BellaDonna, I forgot to mention... I had a classmate who was prematurely grey at 10 years old, and all of us kids took it in stride and kept on being her friend without a second thought. I always think of her when I think about premature grey. Also, I've always thought grey hair is beautiful at any age, but since I've been contemplating a naked head, I find myself very stunned by the beauty of any grey hair that's still attached to the scalp. I guess it's all relative.

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  • 2 months later...

I was looking around at older posts and found this one on the gray hair. I found my first gray hair at age 16. I was stunned !!! I couldnt imagine that I had really found GRAY!!. As I went in to my 20's the gray was coming in a little more. I have black hair, so any gray that came in was horribly noticeable. By the time I was 30 years old, I would say I was about half and half on the gray and black. I did have one solid gray streak though that was on top of my head and a little to the left of the middle ,that was about a half inch wide that spanned my head front to back. I called it my little skunk stripe. The more I looked at myself in the mirror, the more I did not like what I was seeing. I had more gray then , than my 71 year old mother does now. So yes I did start covering my gray, and got tons of compliments on how it made me look much younger. The only thing I dont like about coloring the gray, is that since I have black hair, the gray roots show up so easily and quickly, so there is a regular thing of doing the root touch ups. I have very very long hair, so I dont have to color the entire thing each time. Quick root touch ups are fairly quick and easy.

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