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Afraid of Oral Sex.

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I wasn't always like this. But I have a lot of male friends and they do a lot of talking, rather picking on, the act of oral sex on a woman.


This has made me so self conscious about myself that I can't even enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, it feels good But the whole time, I just keep thinking over and over that he HATES it, he doesn't want to do it.


How do I over come this?


Do guys actually enjoy it?

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Well frankly I know nothing about sex, only from a psychology class I took and read it in a book, but not from experience as u may well know I'm virgin, but ok i'll try my best. I think they do enjoy it and that they feel girls should feel the same way towards it. Maybe you're just scare of trying it or scare to commit, in that case, I say wait try talking instead of just giving urself in right away. Well that's the best I could do, hope this helps.

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Seems to me, what a guy likes is to know he can turn his girl on.


He doesn't care how it's done. So just relax, enjoy yourself. Be a little dirty even. Let him take you there.


If what works for you was to nibble your ear, he would like to do that too.


It's not about the act itself, it's about making you feel pleasure.



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Seems to me, what a guy likes is to know he can turn his girl on.


He doesn't care how it's done. So just relax, enjoy yourself. Be a little dirty even. Let him take you there.


If what works for you was to nibble your ear, he would like to do that too.


It's not about the act itself, it's about making you feel pleasure.





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See, with guys its somewhat different.


Us men enjoy it because through the act we can give pleasure to our SO, and with that visual pleasure it acts as a stiumulant, both mentally and physically for us.


It's where the whole, 'your pleasure is my pleasure' comes into play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me just say that although some men do not like oral sex others absolutely love it. If you bf is saying he likes it, then just know he likes it. I could spend an hour giving oral sex. I love it so much! Do not be self conscious about it. I gurantee that if you get pleasure out of it your bf will get even more. There are people out there that are very oral like myself and it is awesome to give. If I had to pick to receive or give, the I would give. I must admit I would hate to have to pick though. : ) Just know that if your man is like me, he is in heaven while giving oral sex. If you are uncomfortable or tense then you are ruining his experience. He wants to please you and make you feel amazing. That is why we do it besides the fun.



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I used to feel the same way, and kinda do, open receiving oral sex from women. I tend to feel bad, as if its a punishment for the girl I'm with, even though they may necessarily feel that way...it's hard to get over.


The most I can say is, if he says its ok, then its ok ;o

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Ahhhh the infamous topic of oral sex. This one is a toughy. I can't speak for what women tell each other but my female friends always seem to complain about how it's done.


I can also tell you that guys complain too. I have talked to many many many guys about this and they all agree that almost all women aren't very good at it. But they tell them they are good since the women get defensive and would not give it to them if they did. Just how it is. Like I have received it quite a few times but only one woman stands out. Even if you try to communicate to the woman nicely how you like it done, and insecurity usually pops up and they get all weird. You can see that if you ever bring the subject up in front of a woman. She will almost always say "well i haven't had any complaints" or "i'm good. my boyfriend told me." Always similar type responses.


Now if you ask guys if they are good at giving it, many of them would respond either they think they are or they don't really care if they are. Interesting situation.


I won't lie. There are also plenty of guys who don't enjoy it giving it but wouldn't say anything for the reason above. They want to have sex and saying that or not doing it might be a dealbreaker.


Others love the act and/or watching the woman get off from it.


Obviously, it depends on the people involved.

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REALLY...hmmm I wonder what those things that we could be doing wrong could possibly be??? Sounds like a good start of a NEW thread.


Wouldn't even know where to begin with that one. But trust me, I have heard a lot. Many women think that if the "end result" occurs that it was a good one when only an ok or even a kinda bad one would result in that ending too.

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know what you mean. I feel uncomfortable and can't relax, the first time someone went down on me it felt good but i didnt think he would like it and pulled his head away. another time i kinda did the same thing and because i didnt think it would do anything for me anyway. i prefere giving than recieving and sometimes do enjoy it if i like the guy and if i do it without him asking. i've never let a guy stay down there long enough to experience it! a few guys though have actually siad they would be annoyed if i pulled their head away. One was really anoyed lol, but it just wasn't doing anything for me!!!!


all the guys have just gone down like that, of their own accord and seem so willing to try and please!!!


so like others have said i think they really want to please you. and get offended if you don't let them. i think it turns them on to know they can turn you on and make you orgasm. like an achievement too!


maybe these guys do just talk and are imature, or havent acually done it at all and are just making it up!!!!


i duno if guys like it or not, but its always me yanking them away again an again! lol that sounds terrible. next time i will try relax!!!


if i started giving a guy a bj and he pulled me away id be most offended!!!


i dont think a guy would ever do that though haha.


from experience of the guys ive had none of them seemed bothered, they were striaght down there, if id given them head or not, and i think they just love it when they please you. guys are so big headed. lol. adds to their ego. lol.


as i said they get turned on by turning you on. like they lurrrrvvvee to hear you moan!


Sugar x

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