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Sex without condom


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After about 3/4 of a fifth of vodka, a bunch of random girly shots, and smoking pot I went home with this girl. I had whisky dick bad, and the girl apparently noticed this. She handed me a little blue pill, and in my drunken stupor I accepted it. Yes, it was viagra, and we had sex for 3-4 hours, she came multiple times. I'm almost 100% I didn't come, I don't think precum. I have two questions regarding this.


Is it possible to get a girl pregnant off precum


Are there any reprocussions taking viagra as a 21 year old

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There could be 100,000 or less sperm in pre-ejaculate. Many of these are already deceased or become deceased flowing through the uretha of the male's penis or in the female's vagina.


Pregnancy isn't the worse thing. Sure 18 years of a pain in your ass, but STDs such as ghonorrea, syphilis, herpes, and HIV are real and are painful and costly. While 100% prevention is only possible with abstinence, a latex condom (used correctly) can reduce the risk of infection to 1-5%.


They are not expensive, easy to use, and certain ones bring a little spice to the act.

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Wish there was an alternative.


Im on the pill and trust me its a lot better than having to stop so he can out a condom on. But it still doesnt help in the whole std prevention game. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years, so there are no random people in my sex life. I wouldnt suggest sleeping around like that. You could get really sick from that. And like what was said before, her getting pregnant is the least of your worries right now.

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Birth control isn't a 100%.


My friend had a ONE night stand, no condom, she was on the pill and she got pregnant. I dont think you can be overly safe or "overreact" when it comes to things like this.


I, for one, was concieved on birth control. My niece was concieved on birth control. Both my cousin's 2 sons were concieved on birth control AND condoms. The only thing 100% is abstinance.


Let's here it for all the "mistkes" in the world!



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Birth control isn't a 100%.


My friend had a ONE night stand, no condom, she was on the pill and she got pregnant. I dont think you can be overly safe or "overreact" when it comes to things like this.


I, for one, was concieved on birth control. My niece was concieved on birth control. Both my cousin's 2 sons were concieved on birth control AND condoms. The only thing 100% is abstinance.


Let's here it for all the "mistkes" in the world!




Yikes!!! I think that scared me into abstinence.

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Oh...I know of at least five people conceived while their mother was on the pill and using it correctly.


I know many more whom were conveived using "withdrawl method".


Some women are just very fertile and some men have very tough swimmers! And sometimes there are so many factors that can go into hormonal birth control not working.


The "real life" success rate of the pill according to how most users take it is about 95%...that's 5% where it fails!


My sister and I were also both "mistakes" but with condom only that failed (did not break...just did not work!)...my brother was only planned one which he likes to brag about

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Birth control isn't a 100%.


My friend had a ONE night stand, no condom, she was on the pill and she got pregnant. I dont think you can be overly safe or "overreact" when it comes to things like this.


I, for one, was concieved on birth control. My niece was concieved on birth control. Both my cousin's 2 sons were concieved on birth control AND condoms. The only thing 100% is abstinance.


Let's here it for all the "mistkes" in the world!




That scares me too, but... my girlfriend and I were very naive when we started having sex... I think I came inside her like 3 times a week for about a month before her birth control kicked in (no condom either btw) and yet no babies... Every time I think about it, it drives me crazy and I wish I could have smacked myself in the face, punched myself in the stomach and then kicked myself in the balls before cussing myself out for being such a dumbass... It also scares me for our future in that she might just be infertile... I mean what are the chances of cumming inside a girl that much with no birth control and no condom and yet she still doesn't get pregnant... Either we're really lucky or God really didn't want us to have a kid yet

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Oh...I know of at least five people conceived while their mother was on the pill and using it correctly.


I know many more whom were conveived using "withdrawl method".


Some women are just very fertile and some men have very tough swimmers! And sometimes there are so many factors that can go into hormonal birth control not working.


The "real life" success rate of the pill according to how most users take it is about 95%...that's 5% where it fails!


My sister and I were also both "mistakes" but with condom only that failed (did not break...just did not work!)...my brother was only planned one which he likes to brag about


Erm also I may add that different forms of the pill work better for other people. So because of that they may not have been on the pill that best suited them, thus it was easier to get pregnant.

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Erm also I may add that different forms of the pill work better for other people. So because of that they may not have been on the pill that best suited them, thus it was easier to get pregnant.


Yes, I am aware of that. However, that does not take away from the fact that it was then CLEARLY not effective, right? And you won't know it was not the "right kind for you" until it does fail....and that's considered a failure rate and taken into the statistics of the failure rate.

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It also scares me for our future in that she might just be infertile... I mean what are the chances of cumming inside a girl that much with no birth control and no condom and yet she still doesn't get pregnant... Either we're really lucky or God really didn't want us to have a kid yet


I'm sorry to post this, but did it occur to you for a moment that perhaps the problem isn't with your girlfriend?

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  • 2 weeks later...

If she is on the pill you are probably ok. I doubt the viagra will do anymore harm than all the other drugs you took that night. As far as the guy who said how could you not cum after four hours? It is called being too wasted. It happens and it suckes, but usually follows an amazing crazy night.

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After about 3/4 of a fifth of vodka, a bunch of random girly shots, and smoking pot I went home with this girl. I had whisky


You dump all this in to your system and you're worried if VIAGRA can hurt you? That is the least of your worries. VIAGRA, Cealis and the rest of the ED medications will work whether you have ED or not. Should you be taking them without being seen by a doctor? No! There are various heart ailments which can react to the medicine and cause serious problems including death. If you want to take them, see a doctor.


Next, is this your girlfriend or just a random partner? Why does she have the VIAGRA? RED FLAG!!! Sex without a condom may feel better but then again look at the risks such as unwanted pregnancies, STD and that death thing again. It seems you are pretty destructive to your body as it is. STD's including HIV is spread so quickly to those that are impaired as you were that night. You took a pill which could of killed you and had sex with "this girl" without a condom. You just slept with a matrix of people you don't even know and probably don't want to know by having unprotected sex with her.


As far as pre-cum or seminal fluid is concerned, don't listen to anyone who tells you that it does NOT contain sperm. This is false. Yes it serves as a lubricant but does contain about 500,000 parts sperm per 1 cc. This number can also be effected by your age and testosterone levels. Added penetration and friction will pull new and much more active sperm from the testes and you do not have to ejaculate to get her pregnant.


You are making a few really bad choices here, not to rag on you but you need to educate yourself on what you are exposing yourself to and be more responsible. I suggest getting a full physical, blood work and all!

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If a girl carries viagra pills in her purse but not condoms, that is kinda strange. Its like a guy who carries condoms in his wallet. These are signs that these people sleep around. You should get tested quick bc this girl might have STDs..You don't know the people shes slept with.


Also, please don't get so trashed that you make these stupid mistakes...you took a little blue pill from a stranger....um you lucky it was just viagra and not some other drug.


You should ask a doctor about the effects of viagra at this age.

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