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Feeling the Friday Blues

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This is my third friday alone after breaking up with my ex. We would start the weekends off together every Friday at 7pm. He incidentally is my neighbor as well which makes this even harder. I have covered up the peephole and I have programmed myself to not look out the curtains to see if I can catch a glimpse of him. I haven't dreamt about him this week which is a good thing. I dreamt about him constantly last Friday night. In every dream I was trying to see him and he didn't want to see me. Finally in the last dream he opened the door to his apartment and he was hidious looking. In real life the guy is very handsome, but in the dream he wore super thick glasses and had nutty professor buck teeth. That was the last time I saw him in my dreams. I now believe that if I do try to see him that he will be ugly in a personality kind of way. Nevertheless I still miss him mostly on Friday nights. I used to look so forward to Fridays and now I hate to see them coming. I have told myself that I need to find something constructive to do on Friday nights. I don't want to go hang out anywhere. I am a fearful of being out on the road on Friday nights because of the drunk drivers. I am cool once Saturday morning comes. Its just Friday nights that I can't seem to handle.

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OK, so what else can you do to keep your mind occupied on Friday night. Really, it this time that you spent together when you feel lonely, so if you fill the time with something to occupy your mind, you will be less so. And with time, you may not miss him at all.


Maybe you could rent few movies a guy would never want to watch. Maybe you decide to rearrange your closets and do it in your oldest, rattiest clothes. Maybe you decide to create a profile with an on line dating service to find new guys to date. Maybe you decide to do something entirely different. Filling the time should help. Other than that, only time away from him is likely to help.


Hopefull, you will miss him less each week.

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I know what you mean about keeping your mind occupied. Right now working during the week is saving me from dropping down into the depths of insanity. I really miss my ex and wish he had not broken up with me even though we were so incompatible.


This weekend, if I wanted to see him or run into him, I could do so, because he is going to be in my neck of the woods attending a local Ren Faire. It is taking me a lot of self control not to want to go there and talk to him. I know he needs a lot of time and space from me. I just hope he will one day talk to me again. He still has my cell phone. I am still paying the bill, in the hopes that we can get back together again.

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I know how you feel! My now ex (as of tonight) lives next door and I have been trying to stop looking out of the window for his car for awhile now b/c I had a feeling we were falling apart and wanted to stop myself. It is so hard! That is going to be the worst part of getting over him..living next to eachother and the weekends, which we spent all of together. Hang in there! You're not alone in the neighbor thing. I hope it will get better for me too!

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Thanks a lot everyone for the suggestions. I do believe that with time the Friday's will get better. I bought a guitar a while back, so I am going to teach myself how to play. I will do that on Friday nights. If I stick to my plan, then I should be able to play in a band in a couple of months.


Anna12: I am glad to know that you and I are in the same situation with our ex's living so close. When I leave out my apartment in the daytime I can and do avoid looking at his. I have to be at work at 5am when its still dark, so I allow myself to look then and only then. When I go to the dumpster I don't look to see his car. However two days a week that he has to go to his second job I do look out my back window to see him driving down the street. That is the only obsessive thing I have to stop because I don't think it helps me. I used to look out the peephole a lot, but I covered it up because I was doing too much peeping trying to see him and felt like I was sorta stalking him. Yeah I could move, but I love the area where I live.

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Go to the movies! I know it sounds weird to go alone, but i love going to the multi plex on a friday night right after work and paying for 1 movie, but sneaking into 2 or 3! For me, there is nothing like the dark solitude of a movie theater. i know it sounds crazy, but it does actually make me forget about my problems, if only for a short time. if and you happen to catch a good one, which is rare these days, it can really help you get perspective on certain aspects of your life.

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that dream is hilareous!!!! I know exactly what you mean. you know what? if you have dreams like that then it shows you have a great sense of humor and that is SO important!

I feel for you,baby. living right next door to your ex must be excruciateing! the curtains, the peephole,jeez! you're in the trenches right now....

at least my ex lives in another city, and as painful as that is in it's own way , I don't know how I could cope with your situation.

good luck. stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize: to feel better about yourself and life and move on and have him wish he never made the mistake of leaving someone who has such funny dreams.

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Friday Blues Update:


I didn't play my guitar like I had originally planned to. I ended up hanging out with a new neighbor who moved to my apartments. He's a guy who is 9 years younger than me. I had met him the weekend I broke up with my ex. He knows that I just came out of a relationship. Why did I spend time with him on Friday night? I did it because I wanted some male attention. The time spent was mainly talking and trying to learn more about each other. We spent a little more time together on Saturday. Spending time with only made me miss my ex all the more. It was more of a hinderance to my healing process more than anything.

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