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What's your age gap?

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Last bf I had before I met my husband was 18 years older than me.


My husband is 11 years younger than I am.


Age is no indicator of someone's maturity, honesty or overall character. My 50+ plus ex (who you'd think would know better because of his age & life experience) was a liar & cheater. My just-turned 30 husband would never even think of stepping out on me.


When I met my husband he had just turned 26, and I nearly blew him off because I thought he was too young.

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  • 2 weeks later...

17 years...I'm 19 and he's 36. I just found that out last month because for the first 6 months he lied and said he was 29. We nearly broke up, but decidecd to keep going.


To be honest, I'm constantly aware of the age gap and it does bother me sometimes. I always feel that everyone is judging me.

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I'm 20 and my boyfriend is 29. We've known each other for about half a year and so far we've never really noticed the age gap because I am very mature for my age, though he does keep saying that he feels old because I am just entering my 20s when he will soon be entering his 30s. Other people keep on saying that he shouldn't date me because I am only 20 and that as soon as I turn 25 I will change my mind, turn into some kind of heartless evil person and just leave him. Though I have never met anybody like this guy before and he is one in a million. I would seriously marry this guy and I am definitely not interested in suddenly "experimenting" at 25 when I've found the perfect man for me right there. Anyway, they are not deciding for either of us because it is OUR life and not theirs.

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I'm 39, she's 22. It seems to work, because I get a big spark out of her physical attractiveness, and she gets a lot of safety and nourishment out of my maturity. I'm the steady protective father figure/lover, and she's the fascinating fresh sprig. I never think about our age. I've known older women less mature, and younger women more mature. Twenty two is already an adult age. We are attracted, and mated, and it seems right.

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Right now 10 yrs. I'm 19 (obviously it says my age by my screen name) and he is 29. I turn 20 in March and he'll turn 30 in May. Most of the time we don't notice the age gap. The only times we do is when we talk about childhood, or the fact that he already has 2 children.


The guy I liked before this boyfriend was 21yrs older. (Guess I'm attracted to the father figure thing lol)

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I am 41, my bf is 35-- I have dated younger men before, and I was married to a man 10 years older, and engaged to a man 7 years older. So I guess I've been at both ends of the spectrum. From my experience I've found that I much prefer younger men. They are more fun, they appreciate me, and treat me with respect. The older guys were condescending and tried to control my life...

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  • 4 months later...

30 years, Ive been with moe since i was 17 he was 48 now im 20 hes 51 we do notice it sometimes.....he gets very upset when people think hes my dad! We want to marry but I have to be prepared not to have kids..it can be a little confusing but we love each other and thats one of the many the things that keeps us together.

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My boyfriend is 8 years younger than I am. To be honest, he's one of the wisest, most dependable & grounded people I've ever met. He's far more evolved in his maturity than I am! (and a charmer...he makes a point of saying I look younger than he does...yeah, riiiiiiiight... it's sweet of him to say, anyway.)

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8 1/2 years. We've noticed it at times but I think differences in social class and education and possibly major religious differences are a lot harder than age.


The gap opens and closes over a long relationship and now I'm in my 50s it's definitely closing and I'm in better health than my wife.


One thing I notice as I get older is I'm less tolerant of moods and minor disagreements being blown up out of proportion but maybe that's not a bad thing.

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