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can things ever get better for me...

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My ex changed his number. Should I take it as a blessing disguise? I found out this morning when I called and the number was not in service I must admit I am sooooo hurt and I did He already has a girlfriend...he's such a bastard and I dont know why I still stay hooked on him through all the mistreatment, grief and tears that he has caused me. Such a sad situation I did absolutely nothing to him and he hates me sooo much! I loved him too much so he said and I just got taken for granted. He cut evrything off (sex) 2 months ago when he got with the chick! I still have the job number but WILL NOT call there!! Theres no reason! I am just really sad and just wanted to vent. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated...thanks to everyone that has helped me from day one through my long journey of heartache!

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Hey esboogie!!!


Long time no seen, right? I think you are right, it could be a blessing in disguise. The way I read your message, I get the impression that you took the whole him changing his number personal. Well, it needn't be that way, right?


I remember the stories about your ex, and in my opinion it is good for you to build a life without him.


Chin up girl, and don't call his work! You know it will only hurt you more.


Take care,



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I agree with Ilse on this issue. I am sure your a beatiful woman and your going to have no problems attracting another man when your emotionally ready.


Please do not contact this man and why would you want to? I mean he hurt you and took you fro granted. Who the hell wants to be treated like that?


You deserve to meet another man who will one day treat you like the woman you deserve to be treated like. Relax it is time to start moving on and you need to cut off all contact with him NOW!!!


If you need to talk to a guy then feel free to PM me.



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