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I made a date with my girlfriend for Aug 16, 2005. She called me one hours before to break it because she had to drive her little brother to football because somthing came up and her mother couldn't. No big deal. We then made plains for Aug 18, 2005. I received an AIM messae while I was away saying she had to go to a cusions play. After that message, 1 and a half weeks when by, and I couldn't contact her. I got this e-mail for her X-boyfriend:


I'm (his name), I am friends with (my GF). I just thought I would let you know if you have been trying to get ahold of her lately and she hasn't been responding, it defintley isn't you at all. Things are kinda hetic and she just needs some space, but as I said it isn't you. And the only reason I know is because our families are really close. She is ok though, don't worry. I just don't want you to get angry or upset. And hopefully things will be better soon. But right now she just needs her space until things calm down a little bit. If you have any questions feel free to respond or im me at (his AIM). Thanks.


Of couse I thought "What The F$&@ and AIM'ed him. She did not say anything different but told me I sould try to call her in like 3-4 days. I watied and called her. No answer. Then!...I called her and left a voice mai. After that I AIMed the X again and he asked my why I yelled at her. I asked how in the world he knew that, he told me he had her phone and was checking her voice mail for her. He said she left it at his house while the familys were visting. It has now been a total of 3 weeks sense I heard from her. Should I just consider her gone, or try to call her again? And what do you ppl think of all this. I also spent hundards on this gril over a few months, dinner, flowers, ect... ~Thanks.

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i would move on purely because she had an ex boyfriend do the dumping, but then again, and i know it sucks, you definetly came off as desperate and needy, biiiig turn-off to young girls.


chill out, wait her out, chances are she won't call for awhile so you gotta deal with it. Honestly, pretending like you don't give a damn about them is a great way to make them overlook any flaws you might have presented.

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If you have not done anything horrible to her then I hate to say it but it sounds like she is into her ex and is getting him involved in your relationship for that reason. It sounds to me like she is involving him in your conversations to be around him and create drama with him... to keep him around. She may sound like she wants to see you soon but if she completely had him end the relationship he would no longer have a challenge.


It seems like major immature games to me. Unless there are things that explain her distance no other scenerio makes sense. You need to know that this girl sounds like she just needs to grow up. She is not someone you can trust and so please dont take her moves personally. Someone like her cannot be trusted.

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I agree with funnyCAgirl. It sounds like she is playing some immautre games. You didn't mention how old the two of you are, but she is not worth your time. The fact that she had her ex send you an email means that she doesn't respect you enough to be able to chat with you and tell you when things are crazy and she needs her space. She is involving him in drama between you two. She is not worth it! And she sounds like she is dogging your messages. Don't call her and if she calls you, I would let her do the explaining and I wouldn't be very attentive or concerned. I would probably act like she was lucky I was giving her the time of day, if I were you.

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