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Being Led Along...


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Yes of course it's wrong! But imho if she didn't reveal it until now, then she's honestly not the "one" for you. A real soulmate would treat you with love and respect no matter how much or how little a role you were to play in her life. As painful as it is, it's good that you found out what kind of person she is before your relationship went any further.

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Waiting 6 months for someone to make up their mind about you is the mistake. Waiting any time at all is a bad idea. If someone is serious about you, they will get you off "the market" ASAP. Forget about her, as she obviously wasn't into you. No Contact with her and start talking to other girls, as many as you can.

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just been through it................she left my live as quick as she entered it.

i have no contact for 2 weeks. id like to keep it that way. she isnt someone i need to be getting involved with. i was the "rebound" guy.


move on bro..............i know its hard. everyone says its the right thing to do. if she's not into you........she's not into you.


i must add as i was strung on myself...............it drives me crazy.

not so much that she did it. because i fell for it.


this girl cheated on her boyfriend of 6 years with me(I KNOW!!!IVE NEVER DONT THIS BEFORE. I AM TOTALLY AGAINST ANY SORT OF INFIDELITY........THIS GIRL HAD ME IN A TRANCE!!!!!) she then leads me on for 1 month(the hole nine yards....sex, talks, telling me how wonderfull i was......you know the routine) blows me off 2 weeks ago and we havent talked since. i heard theres another guy. she hasnt called in two weeks.


like me im sure you feel embarresed. i certainly do. and for that reason alone i wont call her. she went from really wanting me to nada......zip......zilch.


take the hit on the chin.................walk away for your own SANITY

you deserve better. like someone said before...........if she really wanted you she would take you off the market.

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It stinks, she thinks less than nothing about me.

And unfortunately I'm going to have to leave this forum because of her.

I was so tricked, I can't even begin to imagine it.

I can't even get to sleep, now at 3am here.

All the words, all the poems, just a wretched scam to use me as some kind of crutch.


I hope that at least some of my advice has helped out some in my brief time in the forum.

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Volution, I'm sorry to hear you were so cruelly deceived. If you need to leave the forums for awhile to heal, it's understandable, but I hope you don't let this woman take credit as well for stealing your drive to share your compassion and wisdom with others. You're crediting her with more power and influence over you than she deserves. Why?

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Volution, I'm sorry to hear you were so cruelly deceived. If you need to leave the forums for awhile to heal, it's understandable, but I hope you don't let this woman take credit as well for stealing your drive to share your compassion and wisdom with others. You're crediting her with more power and influence over you than she deserves. Why?


Any words that I could write, would only ever be poor shadows of how much I found inside this woman. I don't think that the deception was intentional, but still, it hurts me deeply.

It is useless to try and explain how deeply I felt about this woman, but I know that I could never feel so deeply again (Such a cliche I know).

People here will only try and offer empty words of how 'better people' will come along and 'love will find you' and crass hope.

I found my 1 in 6 billion. I found my soulmate, my twin flame.

And it is true - that soulmates and twin flames don't always stay together in each life time.

But in this lifetime, I chose total and unconditional love, but what use is it to me, now that I have no chance to share it?

There are so few people that feel as deeply as I do about love and the soul - that is perhaps all I know anymore...


Now, I feel so dead inside. Life has only ever shown me disappointment, hurt and pain, and no matter how hard it has been, and how much of a struggle it has been to hold on, just in the 1 in infinity chance that something good might happen, I've held on, but I've been rewarded with utter crap each and every time. For over 10 years I've been depressed, and being abandoned by 2 people who I know were soulmates in the period of less than a year is destroying me.


I have nothing left inside to keep me going - I want to kill myself, but I can't because I do still love my family and it would destroy them. That is the only reason I can't and won't kill myself. I have to endure a living hell until my physical heart gives out (I was born with a heart defect). Spiritually, and physically, my heart is broken.


Love used to be the most important thing in the world to me, but now there is nothing. I cannot even begin to imagine the horrible darkness that I must again walk into, alone, without any hope, or light . I'm not strong enough to have 5 and more Purgatories in my life - even Dante struggled with his 1.

I don't really think I'll be able to trust a woman ever again. I will never be able to forget how badly I was let down.

Always, I've been so open and unguarded, but I have given my heart away, openly and unconditionally so many times, and every time, it has been stabbed, thrown into the gutter, wasted, useless, and somehow I have to retrieve it and carry on with the burden of utter uselessness and zero self-esteem for months or years before I even feel hopeful again for one whole day.

There is only so much a soul can take - and I've reached my limit.

I only know one way of loving, totally, unconditionally, with all my heart, mind, body and soul, to the depths of unimaginable connection, two souls joining through sexuality, a merging so profound and far-reaching that the creator can be touched, and the whole of existence known as one.

I feel that no-one is left, that feels like this.

I cannot falsely love a glorified prostititue wife who has nothing in coming with me and stays with me out of financial convenience.


I've tried, so hard, to be brave, but I stand, so alone... I have no-one, no friend, no family who understands how profoundly I feel and love, and I suffer in utter silence. I'm so broken, I don't care anymore if I live or die...

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Volution, I know you probably don't want to hear words of encouragement and that you'll find better loves, someone who can return your feelings equally. I know how dead you must feel, how empty and hollow life seems. I went through those feelings a few months ago. I hated everything, didn't see the point in life. The girl didn't lead me on like yours did, but she inexpicably switched to just friends when she had been telling me things that every guy longs to hear and it seemed like we would be together forever. I couldn't imagine myself loving anyone else, and I still can't.


As little consolation as this probably provides right now, its the truth. She wasn't your soulmate. A soulmate would not treat you like that. You have one of the most romantic and passionate hearts I've ever seen, it doesn't deserve that kind of pain. But you'll fight through, just as I have. And someday, when you least expect it, your real soulmate will be standing right by you.


And you do have a friend who understands how profoundly your feelings are... me. I know the feeling of loving with all your heart only to be hurt. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here. We can be alone in our feelings together.

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Been there, done that.


Some people just have no regards to your wellbeing or emotions.

Me too.

Of coarse it's wrong.

Sad part is, the guy who did this to me never even realised what he was doing was wrong, he just thought the whole thing was pretty funny. Once I got over him and started seeing someone else he all of a sudden loved me and was so sorry... I told him he was a day late and a dollar short and eeventually got him to stay out of my life...

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