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Men with attractive girlfriends, how do you deal with the attention she gets?

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1 hour ago, catfeeder said:

and prostitution is legal--

It's a fine point, but prostitution isn't legal in Clark County (where the Vegas strip is located). It's legal in the next county over. However, of COURSE it's possible to arrange for and pay a fee for an "escort" or "entertainer" just as you can in just about any major city. You'll see the "card slappers" and mobile billboards when you walk the Strip. 

And yes, men will try to pick up women anywhere you go. I hope she has the kind of friends who will look out for one another in case a guy starts being obnoxiously persistent. 

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9 hours ago, Mikejames0314 said:

She gets hit on by guys every time she goes out with her girlfriends. We've been dating for two years now and I battle with finding the attention she gets annoying . . . 

The fact that OP is struggling combined with the fact that the GF has suffered trauma (OP's word, not mine) over this in the past suggests that there are much deeper issues on both sides.

Anyway, I've been to Vegas many, many times and stunning women are everywhere.  They are literally a dime a dozen.  Your GF may get a few glances but trust me, ten seconds later an even more gorgeous woman will pass by wearing an even tighter, shorter dress and they'll forget all about her.

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12 hours ago, Mikejames0314 said:

And that's you. There is no right or wrong answer. Everyone is different and enjoy different things 

Which has zero to do with this issue. Because "everyone is different" is irrelevant to your issue -which is whether her way of dressing and her activities and choices are compatible with your values and standards.  You give her a pass for sharing about who ogles her/hits on her and you give her a pass for asking your opinion on which dress she should wear to look sexy in Vegas (sounds like the dresses are sexy not conservative) - be honest with yourself if you are ok with how your girlfriend shares all this info with you because of her trauma, be honest with yourself if  you are ok with a girlfriend who chooses to get drunk every couple of months with her girlfriends and "end up" dancing at a club (which some men may be thrilled with -either they want their boys nights out and/or it's a turn on). 

Everyone is different in their reaction to this stuff but what is your reaction(s) and are you ok with her values and standards in a committed romantic relationship? Don't brush it under the rug and pretend that the answer is "everyone is different."

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Agree that it's about trust and integrity more than looks. Plain looking women can get hit on and cheat if they want to as well, so logically, her looks actually have nothing to do with it.

Perhaps the trepidation is the "Sin City" reputation, being that neither of you have been there?  You know, the whole "what happens in Vegas....." thing.

Try to reason with yourself about it. You really don't want to be fearing the worst all the time. 

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2 hours ago, smackie9 said:

The best hot women are the ones that are fiercely independent, strong, with loads of self worth. It's the insecure ones that fall into living/breathing for attention from other men.

Sometimes the most beautiful women are the most insecure and the ones seeking the most attention and validation. 

There are reasons for that that I don't have time to explain but it's not uncommon.

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On 9/9/2023 at 1:30 PM, Batya33 said:

It can happen almost anywhere. If a woman wears typical workout clothes to a gym.  For example. It’s a slippery slope that only happens if there’s no trust or trust issues.  Certainly a couple can decide they go nowhere “risky” like the gym or a dance class or any number of volunteer activities without the other. I defer to those couples.
Last month I put VIP bracelets on men who are hot looking entertainers (not my type but yes hot) as part of a volunteer activity. I had no idea that was part of it but it was. Was I supposed to decline to do that part of the work lol because what if - gasp - I took too long and said hot guy ogled me up close in my cute volunteer T shirt ? 
I mean really. 

I believe anyone can do whatever they want,  where they want,  dress however way they wish and be the way they are in public.  However,  if a woman (referring to women in this topic) doesn't want extra,  unwanted attention,  then it stands to reason to dress more modestly and not be in a situation where there's unwanted ogling,  leering,  fending off and sometimes can resort to violence to fight off.  I'm not saying to dress like a spinster or a nun either.  🙄  Certain clothing is super tight,  has plunging necklines and shorts so short that it's as short as panty type underwear.  There's a lot of either skin hugging or revealing too much skin so naturally there will be ogling and leering.  Unfortunately,  some people will perceive that person is cheap or a tart.  I know it is unfair despite a person being of solid character but it's just the way it is and the impression that it gives off.   It's a free country though and women should have the right to do whatever they want.  Just don't be surprised nor shocked whatever the outcome in society. 

Also,  being at the wrong place at the wrong time and if dressed immodestly could lead to crimes of all sorts especially for women in particular.  Not that it happens all the time but the risk increases exponentially.  Images,  impressions or vibes are important because it can be perceived as positive or negative in harmful,  nefarious,  heinous ways.  Then there is the atmosphere where alcohol,  drugs,  loud music,  clubs,  bars,  night life,  dark parking lots,  dark parking structures,  dark nights and questionable characters are crawling out of the woodwork especially after sundown.  Just something to consider.  Risk isn't worth it.  Better safe than sorry.  🫢

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OP,  The unknown can be feared or can be scary and that is what I think you are feeling.  It is okay to feel uneasy about her trip because it is human nature.  No man that truly cares for a woman can say "I don't care if guys hit on her or not"  Is it ideal? No but it is life and guys hit on pretty women, heck guys hit on all kinds of women.  You are human with feelings and the best part you have expressed that here instead becoming controlling. 

  It sounds like you have a  solid relationship with really good communication which is all very good but over sharing can be an issue as well.  Kind of like what we see here sometimes when a couple start discussing their past sex lives and numbers.  It never turns out well. 

  The last words she needs to hear from you before she leaves is "I love you, be safe"


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What you have no control over is not worth the mental anguish of worrying about as there’s no benefit and it doesn’t change anything. If she succumbed to temptation ever that’s her loss but doesn’t sound like you have anything to worry about. As for people wanting to go clubbing/dance with their lads or ladies every 3/4 months, not exactly a big deal, some people enjoy it some don’t. 

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This isn't about your girlfriend.  The real question is about you and your choices in a woman to be your girlfriend.  Couples are paired up based upon their preferences.  If you're uncomfortable or disapprove with her lifestyle choices such as where she goes,  whom she's with,  what she wears and what her habits are and even guys hitting on her,  then perhaps this isn't the type of woman who is best suited for you,  your lifestyle,  habits and ways.  Generally,  two people are compatible and in lockstep in order to have a smooth relationship without observations or complaints. 

I'm not you but I highly doubt I'd like it if my husband went out with his friends to a club or bar,  wore provocative clothing and acted as he were a swinging single where there's loud music,  gambling and questionable characters crawling out of the woodwork.  It's not about trust nor insecurity either.  It's about not meshing regarding similar lifestyles and how we behave. 

If you love her no matter what,  then she'll do what she will and when she comes back from LV,  you pick up right where both of you left off.  If it bothers you that she does what she does and guys having the opportunity to hit on her at an obvious singles scene,  then perhaps she's not the one for you long term.  That is what you need to focus on.  Cut through the thicket and zero in on the crux of the matter.  🙄

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