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Should I tell people about my attempt?

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Long story short, I attempted but stopped myself from commiting suicide (hanging FYI, got to where I nearly passed out and thought "***" and managed to stop it)...

This was over 3 years ago...

I went to therapy and am generally OK now.I still have intrusive thoughts from time to time, but I'm better equipped to deal with low points.

I haven't told anyone about this, partner, family, friends, no one... only people who know are the 2 Psyc's I spoke with... everyone just thinks I went through a bad patch and am fine now..

Do I tell anyone? I feel like that even pondering over it I should...but my partner who would probably be the first (only?) person to tell lost a dear friend to suicide, so I feel it would change a lot in our relationship and she is the last person I want to burden it with, as there were already times before where if we fought, and I went out for a time out, she would panic I would never come back ( her friend did something similar)...


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My husband has been suicidal 3 times in his life. Once he didn’t tell me, 20 years ago and cut his wrists, luckily not deep enough and he stopped. The other two times, once last year and once this year he asked me to take him to the hospital before he did anything. I am so so so grateful to know so I can help him .He is good now. Ultimately, it is your story to tell so you have to decide. I am so so so grateful to have my husband and I am sure your partner is so happy to have you . I am also glad you got help and can enjoy your life. 

It is taking time but, I am getting over being hyper vigilant watching for signs of distress in him and I am letting that go. He has a fabulous physical health and mental health team and he is doing super well and he is legitimately happy. 

As a partner I would want to know, but as I said, it is your story to tell and only you know when it is right to tell it. 

Glad you are doing well. 

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I think that this is a question only for you to decide. 

My husband committed suicide once when he was 23 (long story) and he told me maybe a year in to it when we were together. I have never seen any signs of him being that low to go there again, so I'm not too worried about it. He is now 35.

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Well, it's a difficult question because I think it's personal. Do you mind me asking why you chose not to tell your loved ones about it three years ago? Do you suffer from mental health struggles? I think at the end of the day it's always your choice. But here are some things to think about:

If you have mental illness and/or had gone through trauma in life, I don't think that's something that's just going to go away. I know you're doing well/are in recovery. But in my opinion if you struggle with this, it's always good to get as much support as you can. That's why suicide call lines exist. Even if you talk to a complete stranger, sometimes just telling someone and having a listening ear really helps. I also think that even if you don't have a plan to kill yourself, even if you have those dark thoughts it's good to talk to someone.

I understand your hesitation because you might be worried it'll put stress on your loved ones. Like, they'd be thinking "Will Jack kill themselves?" But I think it's also good for them to know to look out for you in case they see the signs.

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