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Potential relationship self-sabotage

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-she said she interested but has no time for dating rn

-fast forward one month, she gave me her number

-we go on a date

-don't really know what to talk about with her

-she says "you can kiss me if you want"

-she let me grope and french kiss her on first date

-second date

-we makeout and grope each other

-she says "I've never bren treated this good before"

-gave me a handjob later on

-day or two passes

-she made some dumb joke over text that pissed me off

-block her

-fell guilty, try to make amends

-meet her at her workplace

-she forgives me without issue

-"I just wants to be honest with me"

-she wants to meet on saturday

-Ask her without much thinking "should I've dating someone else?"

-she gets all defensive

-she said"my heart is not from stone and you may heartbreak me one day"

-I started another argument with her-

-I say that I'm not a good relationship material

-she ask why

-"because I said so"

-she says "I have no idea what you got in that head of yours but we talked and you're not some vapid egoist"

-she blocks me afterwards

All of this happened in span of around week

Did I screwed up big?


TL:DR: I self sabotage a relationship with a girl that was attracted to me out of spite

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Wow that's quite the messy situation. You screwed up, and she screwed up. This doesn't sound like a relationship that would have been very stable either way. She went from No to sexual very quickly, that whole not ready to date then let's make out, screams she just wanted to feel sexually desired. Also you went from hot an heavy about her to angry over a dumb joke.

I think it's best you file this under lessons learned, and before you get into another relationship at this speed slow down a bit. It really seems both of you wanted the sexual side of this more than the relationship.

Don't beat yourself up too much over this, it sounds mutual.

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I think from the beginning you two were not a good match other than possibly for when you feel like hooking up.  Dating is about getting to know a person.  First date jitters -potentially awkward convo - totally normal.  But the person then has to make a choice - either to get to a more comfortable place so he/she can make conversation and potentially find common ground -or choose to react by walking away because it's better than having to put in the effort. 

by the second date the awkwardness subsides and that can be helped by a fun, shared activity or even something like a sudden thunderstorm or a flat tire.  You said you had nothing/didn't know what to talk about and that was the end of it. You didn't try to find out more about her, find common interests other than interest in each other's bodies and private parts.  Then when you chose to talk it was negative/hostile/confrontational. 

Either that is how you are generally or you two simply didn't mix well as people getting to know each other aside from private parts/groping.

I'd move on.

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17 minutes ago, BornUnderPunches97 said:

I started another argument with her--I say that I'm not a good relationship material.

At least you were honest with her that you're not ready for a relationship.  You both cut your losses so now you're both free to find someone you are more compatible with. All you can do is handle things differently next time.


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I think you are both messy. She had somebody else but when that cleared up she has gone on a date with you. You get physical. But then she irritates you and you block her. But then you make ammends. She still forgives you and wants to meet. And then you hit her how you should maybe dating somebody else. You should have asked her for threesome also why you were at it lol

I think you shouldnt date until you clear what you want. If you want relationship then you would have to work toward that. Not block her after you dont like what she said for first time or ask her if you could date other people. But work toward getting to know somebody and be in a relationship. If you just want cheap flings then it really doesnt matter. Your MO is perfect for that.

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