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Have a weird scenario that I need advice with

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So for starters I'll have to say I am the type of guy who leaks a lot of precum. It happens pretty frequently even if I'm not doing anything sexual, previous girls I've dated could just walk in the room and I would leak a bit in my pants. Anyway I've been dating someone new for about a month now, it's not exclusive but I do plan on asking her to be my girlfriend as things are getting more serious. She has guy friends and I have friends who are girls which she is aware of.

The other day I had plans to go hiking with a female friend of mine who I've hooked up with in the past, which the girl I'm dating is also aware of, even though now we are just friends and don't mess around at all. When she arrived at my house I was still getting ready and stuff so she came in my room but she gave me a big hug as I hadn't seen her in a while, and after I left the room I noticed I had leaked a fair amount of precum into my boxers. I kept this to myself as I didn't want to weird my friend out but for some reason it's been on my mind like I did something wrong even though I really couldn't help it. And to be clear it was just precum not a full blown orgasm by any means, I felt no pleasure from it but it just made me feel sleazy or something.

We went on our hike and that was that but I keep thinking about that moment like I did something wrong. This other girl that I'm dating means so much to me and even though we aren't official I feel like I did something wrong. Am i crazy? I told a couple of my friends and they looked at me very strangely because I was making such a big deal about it. They told me to keep it to myself which is probably for the best and if I even tried to explain it to her she wouldn't understand as the precum leaking is just something I've dealt with for so long. Should I feel guilty about this? When I do ask this girl to be my girlfriend in the next week or so I think it might be best to just stay away from other women as I don't want this to happen again it made me feel like a real jerk although I didn't intend for it to happen. I'm not the type of person to cheat or do anything like that. I know this is probably one of the weirdest posts you'll read today but any advice would be greatly appreciated. n   

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6 hours ago, Concernedcitizen4311 said:

They told me to keep it to myself which is probably for the best and if I even tried to explain it to her she wouldn't understand as the precum leaking is just something I've dealt with for so long.

Listen to your friends on this one. 

It would just be weird to tell your new girl this. How is she supposed to respond? My guess is she would feel very awkward and not know what to make of this revelation. 

As the poster above said, this will likely go away as time passes. How old are you, for reference? 

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I would say its more psychological issue. OK, you are young and horny all the time. Its not that big of a deal if you dont act on it. You can still have a reaction on other girls that are not your own. However you cant act on it. There is nothing to tell so dont make situation with your girl complicated. 

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I think you are worrying about it way too much. You’re not doing anything wrong. That said, I don’t think you need to discuss it. Moreso, so you don’t make it too much of a “thing”.  I’m not a guy but I’m pretty sure this will be more common than you think. It doesn’t hurt to get checked out though. It will put your mind at rest if nothing else.  

Just relax. 

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                                  On 2/21/2022 at 6:19 AM, Kwothe28 said:  I would say its more psychological issue. OK, you are young and horny all the time. Its not that big of a deal if you dont act on it. You can still have a reaction on other girls that are not your own. However you cant act on it. There is nothing to tell so dont make situation with your girl complicated.                                    When you say as long as I didn't act on it what do you mean because I did masturbate after the girl left since I was kind of worked up, I was alone of course     

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OK, first thing first - you need to define better what a friend is. Do you hook up with your male friends? No? Same applies to a female friend - not a person you'd ever hook up with, but whose company/friendship you enjoy. Real friendships are platonic.

This girl you are calling "a friend" is obviously a bit more than that and you are very much attracted to her, at least physically. Why am I pointing this out? Because if you are serious about getting into a monogamous relationship, then you need to clean house from these types of hook-up-quasi-friends that you would bang situationships. This sort of stuff poisons relationships and you know it, since you feel guilty about it. Sure, you didn't do anything wrong as such, but this "friend" has to go if you want to pursue the girl you are dating and get serious with her.

As for being horny and masturbating - welcome to the real world. No matter how much you are in love and into someone, sometimes you will need time to yourself and "other" stimulation. It's just part of life and not something you have to feel guilty about or vomit to your gf about. In fact, it's a private matter you should learn to keep private and take care of as needed. Put it simply, it's only a problem if you are so into masturbating that you no longer perform well in bed and prefer to masturbate instead. Outside of that, go nuts and for the love of....do not share what you are doing or fantasizing about with anyone. It's your personal fantasy world - keep it private.

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