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Thanks ... and your doing a great job yourself!


I also do wonder if our ex's think and miss us. I've been so tempted to check my ex's MYSPACE page, but I just will not do it ... cause that would be breaking NC.


I figure, even if our ex's don't regret anything, than they are just lying to themselves and are ignorant + selfish.

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Well, some people live by the "don't regret anything" code. My ex did, it was her freaking mantra.


I personally don't regret leaving her one iota. She caused me too much pain for me to feel the same way about her again. I don't hate her, we just didn't work and I accept that.


Sorry it's rough, fiffy. In my personal experience, I look at exes from over 10 years ago and remember the good, but still don't forget the bad. Not that there's complete animosity, but over time you don't see a relationship as "man, that was bad" or "man that was good"...you see the relationship as a whole - good feelings, ill feelings and all - as one that "just didn't work".


I choose to look at the bad right now because it serves as a reminder of why I left, should I feel weak. It would be devastating if I went back, I'm certain, and would show a complete lack of self-respect in me. I respect myself so much more now. There were GREAT times, but they were very much overshadowed by the bad times. The further you get from the relationship, the more clear of a picture you have of it. I only regret the way one of my relationships ended, and that was years ago.

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day ???, but a month of NC has passed...


it's not about getting back together anymore. I'm actually happy by myself 'cause I have been working a lot to get my life back during this month and a half. I would like to find another girl to fall in love with, and meanwhile I'm enjoying being single.


The thought of her happy with her new boyfriend and not thinking about me at all doesn't hurt me anymore. The only thing that hurts is to think about how she lied to me through the last part of our relationship...but I just try not to think about it and in fact I rarely do.


No Contact definitely works. I reccomend it to everyone!

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