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should I see a psychiatrist?

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I’ve been struggling with mental health for a while now. Ive been extremely sensitive my whole life and started experiencing unstable emotions in high school, and self-harmed back then. My romantic relationships were hell because of my tendencies to sabotage them for attention, being really emotional and dependent, etc. I’ve struggled with general depressive episodes for a while too, sleeping too much and eating poorly, terrible hygiene, no organizational skills, always feeling super drained and jumping around from hobby to hobby. 

I have some impulse control issues too with spending ridiculous amounts of money to fill a void. My mood swings are terrible and exhausting. I can’t focus on anything. Little things make me anxious, I worry so much about things that haven’t even happened, and I can never sit still i’m always rocking and bouncing my feet. I had 2 therapists a few years ago but couldn’t commit to them and have struggled to go back. 

I’m not sure what’s wrong with me but i’m 20 now and these things have put so much stress in my life. It’s affected relationships and school and work a lot. I’m exhausted and need to seek relief; but I’m scared to see a psychiatrist because I could potentially be medicated and I don’t want the medicine to take away all my feelings or make me suicidal and stuff. I only want what’s really going to keep me stable and able to be happy and healthy. I’ve considered seeing a regular therapist and taking mental health supplements like vitamin D and seeing how that helps instead of running to the pharmacy but I’m just not sure. Any suggestions? 

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Describing all your symptoms I would definitely see a medical doctor and a psychiatrist. This is not something that’s going to be fixed by a vitamin. 

I am sorry that you’re struggling. Mental  health issues are nothing to be ashamed of and you would see a doctor if you had a broken leg so just see it that way it’s something that you need help with and nothing to be ashamed about. 

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5 minutes ago, cecilymajors said:

My mood swings are terrible and exhausting. I don’t want the medicine to take away all my feelings or make me suicidal and stuff. 

Mental health is not a DIY situation. In fact your health in general is not a DIY situation. Why not start with an evaluation with a physician for some blood tests and other tests? 

Are you even vitamin deficient? (it's a simple blood test). It's very dangerous to take vitamin D randomly and playing guessing games like that.

On some level you already realize you have a serious mood disorder/mental health issues and if you look carefully, you'll see that it runs in families.

A psychiatrist may be able to carefully diagnose and treat whatever you have in a very targeted fashion that maximizes efficacy and minimizes side effects. However people who don't want to give up the "highs" are quite noncompliant.


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38 minutes ago, cecilymajors said:

I only want what’s really going to keep me stable and able to be happy and healthy.

It is vital that you see a physician - soon - and s/he will refer you to a competent psychiatrist. 

I so hope you have a supportive family. 

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2 hours ago, LaHermes said:

It is vital that you see a physician - soon - and s/he will refer you to a competent psychiatrist. 

I so hope you have a supportive family. 

I’ve always kind of feared calling the doctor would just land me back in therapy with no psych evaluation and the help I need. I’m not sure what the process is like — all very overwhelming but it seems this is what I need

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56 minutes ago, cecilymajors said:

I’ve always kind of feared calling the doctor would just land me back in therapy with no psych evaluation and the help I need. I’m not sure what the process is like — all very overwhelming but it seems this is what I need

You ask your doctor for a referral to a psychiatrist. 

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My brother had a phD in psychology and a lot of info rubbed off on me.  I say go see your doctor and then a psychologist or psychiatrist.  You need help, you dont want to live your life the way you are right now.

FWIW psychologists in Ontario cannon prescribe meds, but psychiatrists can as they are medical doctors.  If you dont want meds try a psychologist.

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1 hour ago, cecilymajors said:

I’ve always kind of feared calling the doctor would just land me back in therapy with no psych evaluation and the help I need.

Yes, a psychiatrist would do an evaluation. A psychologist would as well. Of course one can refer you to the other.

The best approach is multipronged, meaning supportive therapy, physical health including correction of neurochemical imbalances, if that's the case and lifestyle changes that facilitate wellbeing such as appropriate nutrition, physical activity, restful sleep, positive social interaction, purposeful work and leisure activity, etc. 

Given your recent physical symptoms, it may be best to get a physical by a doctor first. Many things could cause what you describe, but only tests can get to the root of what's going on with your body.

Just curious if all this is precipitated by staying with your GF too much and feeling physically ill when there?:


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I'm glad to read how self aware you are of your symptoms. That’s the first step to getting help. I would write these symptoms down and share them with a psychiatrist or psychologist. 

I wouldn’t worry about the medication because all medication has side effects. What you have to look at is will the medication improve your quality of life. 

best of luck!

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