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well i posted awhile back about how my girlfriend is jealous and accusing all the time. the reason for that is cause she is quilty of messing around on me. i came home from work the other night and found her and my younger brother DOING IT on my sofa.

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thats crazy... I'm really sorry this had to happen to you, and you had to find out like that... it's horrible. I guess you know now it's time to get rid of the girl, and to knock some sense into your brother! Thats really low to go after YOUR girl...

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Yuck, did you get rid of the couch? Oh, oops, I mean, did you get rid of your girlfriend? It takes two to tango- your brother's at fault too. I swear if I was older and sexually active and I had a cheating boyfriend and my sister was a traitor then I'd be pissed too.

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to answer your questions:


I was pretty hot when I walked in the door, can't exactly remember what i said. ho-bag was crying and apologizing. I told her to get out of my face and other stuff I really can't post. my brother bent over to pick up his clothes off the floor and I gave him a good butt kicking. i threw her crap out the door along with her and told her to go to her corner where she belongs with the other ho's.

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Wow that's so F'd up. You did the right thing with the ex GF. As for your brother...damn. Definitly should be more upset at him than her. He's your blood and he betrayed you like that. How was your relationship with him before this? Has he said anything to you since? Do your parents know?

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Ho bag! I love that! (I can't believe the word censors on this site let 'ho bag' pass!)


Well - now you have learned a very crucial aspect of human nature - when someone accuses you of something - chances are that they are guilty of it themselves.


You sound strong - you'll be just fine!

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