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Where am I at with her?


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So before the semester started, this girl and I were snapchatting and it would be like an all day thing. To keep it brief, we hooked up once and got a little closer, but I never made a move and some guy slid in and she started talking to him so the snapchats died down, but still snapped daily. A couple weeks ago, I found out she cut the guy off and stopped talking to him. Recently, she’s been only snapchatting me late at night, except on Friday and Saturday she snaps throughout the day. Her location updates regularly though out the day on snapmap which means she at least opens the app a lot (and probably is snapping people). Recently she’s been texting me a lot more (which she has never done before) and sending me songs and made a playlist for us, but the whole Snapchat thing can’t be good right? I’m in a weird position with her cuz she’s the best friend of my female best friend so I see her in person reasonably often, so I can’t just wing it and ask how she feels cuz that could make things super awkward.
I’ll also answer any questions so y’all can gauge where I’m at with her. Thank you!!

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1 hour ago, MissCanuck said:

Have you actually ever asked her out?

So about a week or two after we hooked up, I asked her out for some milkshakes and she agreed. And that was a really fun weekend cuz that night we watched a movie with friends until I dropped her off at home at 4am. Then I invited her and her friends over next night, we got high and it was just the two of us. I think she wanted me to make a move but I was so paranoid that she didn’t so I did not make a move. Then she started talking to a guy from her past (the guy she just dropped) and now we’re here.

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