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Ok, this is difficult but at the moment I feel like an emotional time bomb about to explode.


I have worked in a corporate office job for the past 5 years, in an area in the UK where unemployment is rife and jobs are very difficult to come by.


Throughout my time working there I have basically, felt like the victim of a personal grudge from a high level manager.


It began when I started the job, I was 19 at the time, fresh out of college and a bit of a non conformist. My team leader decided she didnt like me and I spent my first few weeks shut up in a cupboard sorting paper files on my own. Another team leader eventually clicked on and invited me to join her team, where I happily spent 2 years.


Due to being given extra responsibilities I requested a job description for this post and was repeatedly refused, so i approached my union representative. 2 days later I was called into the managers office and basically demoted, for "management purposes"


I ended up at a tribunal where I "lost" my case, spent 6 months in my demoted position, but applied again for a higher paid job (a secondment) on the same team I was thrown from.


I have worked there for over 2 years now, and management have decided to restructure. My job isnt on it- theyve decided to obliterate the post entirely and as of yet I havent been told what is going to happen to me. Rumour has it that Im going to have to go back to the post I was demoted to in the first place, which means a considerable loss in job satisfaction and pay!


I have tried applying for other jobs within the same building with little success- I have been told, in an interview that my chances of getting a higher paid job there are slim, and have not been given any reasons as to why, I have had my interview confidentiality breached on more than one occasion, I have had my personal life brought into account during the tribunal and have basically been on the receiving end of idle gossip and false rumours.


I have asked if there was a problem with my performance, or any complaints about me or my work and have been told by my team leader than I do very well. I am always polite and cheerful and treat people with respect.


Part of the problem is the fact I take work unrelated night classes at a high academic level which I am shortly due to complete- this has been used as ammunition against me when applying for jobs because they have it in their heads that i have no interest in working for them (which is untrue- I like my current job)


I am just so fed up, Im under pressure from exams, and worry about how I am going to manage my finances (mortgage etc)


My partner also recently left the place for another job- he had a very prominent role within the building and basically left them in the lurch, and both he and I feel that this has contributed to what is happening to me at the moment.


I want to leave but can't find a job with a permanent contract with similar pay to what Im getting now. Im also petrified of job interviews because of my past experiences. I do want to set up my own business and have started the preparations, but this will take time and for my own sanity, I need to leave that place as soon as possible.


I feel I can do nothing, theyre not technically breaking the law but I believe their work ethics are totally out of order.


Im so sick of being thought of a stupid, lazy and useless, when my performance and praise from clients, as well as completing a diploma while working full time, prove that I'm not. I feel like Ive got loads to offer but every time I get a hint of a chance, its thrown back in my face.


I do have a high level of self confidence but feel this is slowly being torn away. It seems like theres one rule for me and another for everybody else. Im also getting a bit scared of myself in all honesty, Ive had some pretty disturbing dreams where Ive taken an axe into the managers office.


I basically would love to hear your thoughts on this. Im so ANGRY! I hate unfairness, whether its directed at me or not. I dont feel like there is anything I can do though. The union are more trouble than theyre worth, careers advice has come to nothing. I feel useless, am embarrassed to apply for jobs despite my confidence in my abilities, because I worry that whatever I say will be held against me and am full of hate for this person and his little cronies who seem to take pleasure in making other people miserable.


I am sick of hearing myself moan about this, and I am becoming even more miserable because theyre getting under my skin and I don't like it.


Has anyone please got any suggestions as to how I can pull myself out of this mess?


I really want to help myself- get out of there and tell them where to stick it but feel like a lost cause and dont really know where to start!



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No job is worth the sort of stresses you are feeling at the moment. It certainly sounds like you are being badly treated however nowadays working for a corporate unfortunately means you are a resource and not much more. Anyone who has spent significant time working for an organisation will have been through some of the experiences you have been through.


I know you say getting another job is difficult but from what you posted your outlook for working for someone else is fairly limited anyway. I think you should leave and take your chances in the open market

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You must look within. What art tho dreams? I can tell you mine in two words!


Reaching hearts


It doesnt matter how much you make or how high your reputation, NOTHING can replace happiness. Find a pure and simple cause or something. You know when you're in the right place when what you are doing, you could do for hours for NO pay.


Look within, My child. Looking wiiiithiiiinnn...

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Wow, you've really been handed the short end of the stick-on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, what you've experienced is not uncommon, I've experienced it myself.


As a possible option:


Since the union has been so useless:

Would it be possible to take the demotion (if it comes to that) and then start looking for work elsewhere or start getting your business planned out and ready to start.


When you get a new (better) job or you can start your own business, leave with little notice and go straight to the top with your reason for leaving, forget about your supervisor. Point out that during the time you were employed you went to the trouble and personal expense to obtain extra education and qualifications outside of work hours which would be of benefit to the company had they bothered to put those qualifications to use. Also mention the bullying and idle gossip that poisioned your work environment and prompted you to look for work elsewhere.


A book called "What colour is your parachute" might help with looking for another job and prep for interviews and starting your own business for that matter.

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