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34 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Too many "But I want to see my familyyyyyyy!!!!" And then they act surprised when they all get sick. No concern at all for the healthcare workers who are horribly overwhelmed. 

I'm back to only going out to buy food and supplies and to put gas in my car. So be it. I can get through this if it means keeping my family safe.

My poor nephew is hunkering down in his bedroom because he's been throwing up and has a sore throat. He only was going out to shop for food and needed items so I think he's probably just got a stomach bug or food poisoning since he ate takeout the day before he got sick. But he's getting tested anyway.

Did your cousin come home?

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22 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Did your cousin come home?

Yes, she was released last Friday.  She is still feeling some effects (expected) but is feeling a bit better each day.  She said she is experiencing some anxiety and depression (also expected) but she is optimistic about recovering fully.

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11 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Yes, she was released last Friday.  She is still feeling some effects (expected) but is feeling a bit better each day.  She said she is experiencing some anxiety and depression (also expected) but she is optimistic about recovering fully.

It is so good she is recovering . ❤️

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It's eye opening how friends and family will listen to some restrictions, practice them, condemn others for not doing so, but reject other restrictions vehemently. All the while infections numbers and deaths are surging. I look forward to when this pandemic will all be a distant memory. My parents, now gone, occasionally mentioned living through summers of polio outbreaks and the precautions and worry. It would have been interesting to hear my grandparents' experiences of the 1918 pandemic.

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28 minutes ago, journeynow said:

Bolt, how are you feeling? I hope you and your brother and nephew recover quickly and have an easy time with it. Sending healing thoughts your way!

Thank you.

We're all sick with moderate flu symptoms. We are hoping to have mild enough cases to not have to go to the hospital.

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I'm so sorry, bolt. Where you able to trace the source of the infection? Given how the pandemic is, it may not be possible.

Vaccines have been made available to me, I'm getting one (first of two) within a day or so. I was pretty strategic about it. I would have been waiting a LOT longer (yes, even though I'm in the first group due to my profession and where I work) as the current system is based on a lottery within those who qualify.

I didn't want to wait so I asked politely and now I'm getting it. 

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1 hour ago, Fudgie said:

I'm so sorry, bolt. Where you able to trace the source of the infection? Given how the pandemic is, it may not be possible.

Vaccines have been made available to me, I'm getting one (first of two) within a day or so. I was pretty strategic about it. I would have been waiting a LOT longer (yes, even though I'm in the first group due to my profession and where I work) as the current system is based on a lottery within those who qualify.

I didn't want to wait so I asked politely and now I'm getting it. 

Good luck! I personally know one person who got it yesterday - a doctor -and hopefully she'll let us know about any side effects.  And the resident who examined me today for my annual physical is getting his next week he said.

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Bolt, I am so sorry to hear. I hope you and your family all recover quickly. Please keep us updated.

My cousin recovered after being intubated and in the ICU for 4 weeks. My other cousin and her family (whom they were sure all had Covid), all tested negative. They had a flu/cold, but not Covid.

I am very relieved. I was so stressed when this all went down, sick with worry that I was going to lose a loved one this Christmas.

My cousin has MS and is immunocompromised. She was needing chemo this past summer for how severe her MS got. Covid was the last thing she needed. Thank god she tested negative.

This virus can be terrible. But it's good to focus on the amount of recoveries and hold out hope now for the vaccine that is making it's way around the world. ❤️



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On 12/10/2020 at 5:44 PM, Seraphim said:

I am SICK. TO. DEATH. of ignorance and conspiracy theories passing for “ informed” opinions. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Me too, absolutely!! They obviously never had a family member really sick with it. It's sad that people refuse to believe and that it takes someone getting sick before they believe. 😞 So frustrating.

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On 12/13/2020 at 10:43 AM, journeynow said:

It's eye opening how friends and family will listen to some restrictions, practice them, condemn others for not doing so, but reject other restrictions vehemently. All the while infections numbers and deaths are surging. I look forward to when this pandemic will all be a distant memory. My parents, now gone, occasionally mentioned living through summers of polio outbreaks and the precautions and worry. It would have been interesting to hear my grandparents' experiences of the 1918 pandemic.

My dad’s birth year was 1918. He died over a year ago. Wish I could ask him if his parents had ever had issues. Or, wish I could have talked with my grandparents about it. 

My maternal grandfather lost his dad to a flu - not sure what year it happened, and now I’m curious...

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On 12/18/2020 at 2:57 PM, Fudgie said:

I'm so sorry, bolt. Where you able to trace the source of the infection? Given how the pandemic is, it may not be possible.

Vaccines have been made available to me, I'm getting one (first of two) within a day or so. I was pretty strategic about it. I would have been waiting a LOT longer (yes, even though I'm in the first group due to my profession and where I work) as the current system is based on a lottery within those who qualify.

I didn't want to wait so I asked politely and now I'm getting it. 

So glad, Fudgie! I am so appreciative of all medical professionals! You need to be protected!


Are you nervous for the shot, since it is new?

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7 hours ago, luminousone said:

So glad, Fudgie! I am so appreciative of all medical professionals! You need to be protected!


Are you nervous for the shot, since it is new?

I was at first but not anymore. This vaccine works by providing your body with the mRNA (genetic material) to make its own spike protein like what the coronavirus has. Then your body reacts to it, develops antibodies, etc. There's no actual virus. 

I did some research and found that mRNA vaccines HAVE been developed in the past for some viruses. The technology was already there. It's "new" in the sense that it's a new virus and that it's the first vaccine of its sort to receive FULL approval. But such vaccines have been developed before for other things and have been shown to be safe but other vaccines were just as effective, cheaper, easier to handle, etc. So that's why others have been used instead. 

I did get my shot so it's in me. I have a sore arm but I'm fine.

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22 hours ago, Fudgie said:

I was at first but not anymore. This vaccine works by providing your body with the mRNA (genetic material) to make its own spike protein like what the coronavirus has. Then your body reacts to it, develops antibodies, etc. There's no actual virus. 

I did some research and found that mRNA vaccines HAVE been developed in the past for some viruses. The technology was already there. It's "new" in the sense that it's a new virus and that it's the first vaccine of its sort to receive FULL approval. But such vaccines have been developed before for other things and have been shown to be safe but other vaccines were just as effective, cheaper, easier to handle, etc. So that's why others have been used instead. 

I did get my shot so it's in me. I have a sore arm but I'm fine.

That is great! Glad you got it. 

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