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Possibly Weird Fetish

Lost Human

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I'm not sure if it's safe to talk about this here so just call me out and I'll have no problems with this thread getting removed. I just feel like I can use a second opinion for this...


I don't know if this is considered weird or not but, for the past several years, it's been fairly easy for me to become aroused when I see martial arts violence. Mainly fantasy based fights from games like Street Fighter and Dead or Alive. The usual norms of attraction, like what people get from porn, have the opposite effect on me, especially when it's incredibly kinky or messy. However, when see normal gameplay from, say, Street Fighter 3 - Third Strike or even a Tool-Assisted Speedrun of it, that when I feel the arousal coming on. I've been thinking it was very weird since it's not really what I see other people are into plus I've never heard of anybody getting 'turned on' by normal martial arts violence, real or fantasy. Especially ones that DON'T involve wrestling, so please don't bring up Brazilian Jujitsu as an example.


What do you guys think? Is this weird or frowned upon?

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It may have to do with the representation of these fighters and their shapely figures in some of these movies, video games and other media. A lot of people are seduced by the discipline and training that comes with martial arts: physically, mentally and emotionally. You may be turned on by the discipline required to maintain those skills.

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It doesn't involve or require participation from a partner so it doesn't matter. However if you're concerned that violence turns you on but sexuality doesn't the privacy and professional advice form a therapist may be enlightening.

become aroused when I see martial arts violence. Is this weird or frowned upon?
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Yeah, it's super weird. So what? Lots of people are into some weird stuff. It's not a bad thing, it just isn't 'normal'.


As long as you're not hurting anyone, enjoy what you enjoy.


And to be fair, 3rd Strike is an absolute marvel to look at. It's pure art in every frame of animation. I've never gotten my rocks off to it but it is, undeniably, beautiful.

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I actually don't reckon it's weird. I mean these games are violent but the characters are mostly very attractive and wear sexy clothes. You may be largely turned on by the characters and not even the violence. Maybe as a video game fan you prefer to look at these characters rather than some of the fake looking people in porn. Not all porn turns me on either because some people look so plastic and act so fake too.


Also just because you're turned on by violence doesn't necessarily mean that you are an actual violent person and genuinely want to hurt other people. Many people practice BDSM and some people may want to be beaten, pinched, scratched, burnt and so forth. This turns them on and is fully consensual. This doesn't mean they'd ever attack and hurt a person in the street or something.

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