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Wild-wind of emotions


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Around 7-8 months ago me and my partner split up due to an argument blowing out of proportion, as well as needing time to work on ourselves.

After 6 months separated with no contact, I reached out to him again. We began meeting up and started to form a relationship together again. We are now together, however I’m having difficulty with relationship anxieties. We are no longer facing previous relationship issues, however I’m now experiencing a lot of anxiety, which I feel like I’m alone with. Every time I call him, I get a sick anxiety feelings, before meeting him, or even when his going out with his friends. I’m unsure why I’m feeling this way, he has done nothing to cause any of the emotions. However, today when about to open up to him about them, he cut me off and was completely uninterested in my concerns so I never got to have a conversation. What do I do next?

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Please look at the way he's treating you and re-evaluate your judgment "he has done nothing to cause any of the emotions".


He cut you off and appears disinterested regarding your concerns. This is a terrible red flag for someone who doesn't respect you. You're reacting to disrespect in the relationship. Be more realistic about this and pull off your blinders. I'm suspecting you're in complete denial.

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What were these previous relationship issues that led to the argument which triggered your initial break-up?


It was mostly to do with personal problems we were both suffering, eg depression which triggered both of us. It was an argument about being disengaged with each other

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It was mostly to do with personal problems we were both suffering, eg depression which triggered both of us. It was an argument about being disengaged with each other


And then you have this: ...." However, today when about to open up to him about them, he cut me off and was completely uninterested in my concerns"


There ya go - it's starting all over again. I would say cut your losses and move on. You two are incompatible and will never make this work (imo).

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Just want to add my support for what Capircorn said.


Also, depression is really hard to deal with, but it is not an excuse to disregard a partner's thoughts and feelings. Being a jerk is not a symptom of depression. In a loving, mutual relationship, your partner will want to support you regardless of what they are going through. People are sometimes married for 50 years! Couples go through hard times and it's the hard times that reveal the strength of the relationship.


Who initially ended it? I hate to generalize, but often if the person who was dumped initiates the reconciliation, it doesn't last. The "dumpee" never wanted the relationship to stop in the first place. It sounds like he's simply not committed to making things work.

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