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She’s home for holiday break... still confused about situation


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But it is not confusing at all. You are injecting confusion into it to justify continuing to pursue her.


She does like you. She just isn't interested in doing more than she is doing right now. She will make a plan with you when you initiate it and when it is convenient for her. She will show up, look nice and be nice. And have fun spending time because she does like you -she's just not into you the way you are into her. Now this could change but it's unlikely because she was never that interested in the first place.


So it is simple and typical and not confusing. But if you tell yourself that it is confusing you give yourself an excuse to keep pursuing her. Avoid that temptation, avoid the temptation to label her as a workaholic just because she is telling you that she doesn't have time to see you because of work. I agree that if she reaches out after the holidays you can then ask her what her intentions are about the two of you and what she is looking for generally. But there is nothing to wait for or to analyze as far as confusion IMO.

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The more spin you create in your own mind and apply to her neutral words, actions, etc. the more you'll torment yourself with this and feel quite lonely and disconnected. Try to think of dating as a tennis game where there are two people creating the dynamic in a back and forth volley type fashion. By spinning everything she does or says in your head through whatever negative filters exist there, it's more like you are playing handball against a wall by yourself and just dealing with your own spin from your own game..

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Sounds like her interest is fickle and minimal. It's unlikely to improve. I'm a big believer in dating only people that are really into us, and demonstrate that clearly. Dating is more simple than we make it. There are some stories where people aren't that interested in the beginning, but then fall in love. But those are exceptions.

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Yep, at the moment I’m just doing my own thing. Gonna enjoy my holiday break and not think about it too much. She’ll contact me if she’s interested and I’ll just leave it at that. I’m not waiting for her or hoping for anything


Sounds perfect- enjoy the memories of the fun you had with her and also move on. Enjoy!

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Quick update. She texted this morning saying she hopes I’m well and that I travel safe. Taking this as a good sign



A sign of what? It means that she is thinking of you and many people are texting each other today to wish happy holidays, good travels etc. It's nice and friendly. It doesn't mean she wants to be in a potentially serious relationship with you nor does it mean she wants to see you again -if she really wanted to she'd ask you to make a plan in advance for when you're back. There's no "sign" -it's a straightforward nice, friendly text.

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