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QUESTION FOR FEMALES: Do I have a chance of getting her back?


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Hollyj- Throughout the last month of our relationship she had been talking about possibly going on antidepressants, but didnt act on it. I do firmly believe she is going to get help though. As for her job, she stated that she was going to wait until the new year when things start becoming less stressful (because of the holidays).



From a girls perspective, do you see me having a decent chance at getting her back if I cut all communication until she is ready to talk? I know most guys on here say they arent going to break no contact, yet they do because of their weak emotions. I am not that guy. I had a severe moment of weakness for a few days, but then got to thinking about how I acted and now I understand and regret it. I wont be making that mistake again. I heard from a mutual friend that she had said that originally she was thinking about giving me another chance, but since I didnt give her the initial space she asked for she doesnt 'think' she can see it starting again. Hopefully the lack of contact will give her time to think things through and possibly reconsider.


This will not go anywhere until she gets help. You will have the same problems as before, and she will push you away again.

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Late last night I received a response from her saying exactly this:


"Hey ____, I hope youve been doing okay and feeling better. I do agree that we need to end on good terms because the last week was far from it. I dont know what the future holds but I know we both need to move on and keep moving forward. I only wish the best for you as well. I truly do. We had some good memories that I will take with me forever. I mailed your things today, so you should have them by the end of the week. I hope you have a good night :smug:.


I replied with, "I've been doing well! Almost a week and a half drink and vape free with no cravings! You really inspired me. I also went to church for the first time in a LONG time on Sunday. I felt like I needed God back in my life because I had been neglecting him for so long. I will tell you this though. I am moving on just fine, but I do miss you every day. I got so lost in our relationship that I never once stopped to take a look at myself and the man I wanted to be. I'm moving on, but I would be lying if I said I didnt want you in my life as a partner. I do not plan on dating in the next month because I'm not ready. I really do think we should try again soon. I cant fill every void in your life, and it is not my job to be the superhero your ex wasn't, but I truly want you to see the new me soon. I'm proud of it!



This morning she replied with, "I'm glad to hear about the smoking and drinking, thats great! And church, huh? Its nice to go, you just have to find the right church! I'm not planning on dating for a while, I havent really had the chance to just do me ever so I'm taking this and doing that. I'm glad to hear you're moving on though, over time everything will be better :smug:.


I do not plan on replying to that text, as I need to give her some space to miss me. What is your guy's take on this?

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The more you chat, the more you are friendzoning yourself . She's done. No contact is for you, not to "get your ex back" like those type of scam sites recommend.


No matter how you slice it and dice it the bottom line is this:

I do agree that we need to end on good terms because the last week was far from it.
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