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Im getting over a breakup, i re read old messages and can't help but think "He lied" to me.. I know in my heart and mind i don't want to be back with him but why do i still want him apart of me? My friend told me I don't need someone like that a a friend because they don't respect me due to what he had done. Im just sprung rn on him and the situation that occurred. I talk to dudes from time to time and honestly i want to just have sex no strings attached but at the same time i want to meet a really nice person and become friends and so on.. Im just very impatient idk..

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Because it sucks whenever you end a relationship it’s like a death and if their not apart of you even how crappy they are, it’s permanent! I know I’ve been there. It gets easier.



It’s just you won’t find the right guy for you by having no strings attached sex. If anything that means you’re not ready to commit.

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Make up your mind, then follow that path. Do you want fwb, friends, dating or a relationship? Impulsiveness will undermine any goals you have.

I want to just have sex no strings attached.


i want to meet a really nice person and become friends and so on.


m just very impatient idk..

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  • 2 weeks later...

To answer your original question... it's because when we are with someone you have things going on in your brain and body that tie you to that person. It's early. Grieve the relationship for 6 months or so.


You're broken... if you don't heal you'll attract someone broken or use someone for a rebound. Not cool.

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