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As in a previous thread...I stated that I finally left my sociopath ex. I had to push him away so I wouldn't be valuable to him anymore. No car or income for him to mouch on. (That he knows) no simpathy love or f**** given. I HAD to do this....I didn't want to because he always threaten to kill himself or seek some crazy revenge. What I do?


I contacted the woman he tried to hide from me and digged for answers. However she is totally brainwashed by him and wouldn't tell me a thing really. However she wanted to know so desperately what i have been talking to him about the last few days before the breakup. Later to my reveale they were in the same room together and she wanted to see if he had been lien to her.


So......I forwarded her our entire conversation from the last month. All of his "I love you"s and "I'll change" and "let's get married" was exposed. Also the truth about his sexuality was exposed. When I did this he was fire hot MAD. Everything he would have never say to me came out even him saying he cheated and why he didn't do this or that yatta yatta....and he made his exit. Haven't heard from him since.


He swore it wasn't over and that he WILL get me back. That I messed up his potential relationship (target) and that he is going to "collect his pound of flesh" I'm not afraid of him....he was always full of empty threats and promises. But he's gone for good. I can feel it and I'm relieved yet anxious at the same time....I'm just wondering did I go to far? Was it wrong for sending the conversation would it have been better to just have quietly left and stuck to my guns.....idk.

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It would have been better for you to have walked away with your head held high, without contacting the other woman and 'digging' for answers. As Holly says, you need to understand why you need to stir up a potential hornets' nest.


Revenge and hatred binds us to another person as strongly as love does; if you want serenity and the chance for happiness you need to let go of this stuff.

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If he is threatening you, you need to contact the police. Full stop.


Don't contact him or her any further. But keep any communications you might get from them, especially him. You never know when you may need a record of his contact with you to hand over to authorities if this nutjob decides to actually "get you back."


Please, don't make this any worse for yourself. Don't go digging for more answers; you won't get them, but it sounds like that will provoke this unstable man. Not a wise move.

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It would have been better for you to have walked away with your head held high, without contacting the other woman and 'digging' for answers. As Holly says, you need to understand why you need to stir up a potential hornets' nest.


Revenge and hatred binds us to another person as strongly as love does; if you want serenity and the chance for happiness you need to let go of this stuff.


If someone kept trying to hold on to your no matter how many times you tried to end the relationship what would you do? I feel like I had to do that to make him hate me and devalue me. It worked he left me alone. I've tried to walk away with you head held strong and he would always pull me back.....idk. it was harsh but I didn't know what to do he wouldn't leave me alone.

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I woke up today from a missed called. I Googled the number and it was from a storage company. I gave it a call back thinking maybe it was for someone that have used me as a reference or something and when the woman answered it was her.....why won't these s leave me alone. I've blocked all contact from social media, email, and my phone number from both of them and mutual friends. She went as far as calling me on her work phone?! Why? Is she doing this for him? Do they get off on this together? It's so sick.

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If someone kept trying to hold on to your no matter how many times you tried to end the relationship what would you do?


I'd walk away with my head held high. If someone really won't let go, report them to the police for harassment (and, yes, I've done this in the past!)


Short of physically overcoming you and taking you prisoner, nobody can 'always pull you back'. You chose to return.

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