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Question About Sex

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Hey , I have a pretty basic question.

I was just wondering what the average age of first having sex is. I am with my girlfriend for 5 months right now, and I'm not expecting to have sex anytime soon, I would, if she was ready though. I really care about her feelings and wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

I guess I am just curious, and I know that every relationship is different, but please reply. Thanks.

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According to government statistics, the average age of a person having sex for the first time in Australia is 16.


In the Netherlands it is 18 (not sure why we compare ourselves to the Netherlands, maybe because it is at the other end of the scale).

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Hi Misery,


I lost my virginity at age 15, but I know people who didn't until into their 20's, it depends on the person and the relationship and how emotionally mature you are and if both partners feel ready and can openly talk about it first and protect themselves.


Don't rush, I do think that I had sex too soon and I was with my guy for 8 months by then when he first had sex, and given the chance again, I would have waited till I was older and more emotionally ready.

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Ultimately, does it really matter what the average is? Remember the quote by mark twain? "There are 3 types of lies: Lies, Damn lies, and Statistics." Basically, it's really hard to get an accurate poll of anything. And if there's anything people lie about, it's sex.


It doesn't really matter what other people are up to. Just do your thing, go at your own pace. You'll get there when you get there. Good luck and have fun!

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It's different for everyone. If you are responsible, mature, and mentally/emotionally ready..then it will happen. Too many kids are jumping in the sack when they are not ready mentally, emotionally, or have the maturity to deal with it in an adult responsible fashion. I know there are plenty of exceptions to that..I do acknowledge that.


I was two weeks shy of my 18th birthday when I lost my virginity. And I do not regret waiting....I had the opportunity to do it when I was 14, 15, 16, and most of my 17th year. I just wasn't ready then for that kind of intimacy and the responsibility that comes with it. I was pressured by boyfriends during those years...but I stuck to my guns. Other's were understanding...specially my boyfriend when I was 16....he waited 1 1/2 years before I felt I was ready. I really cared about him.

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The average age for women is a little lower than that of men.


The average age for men is about 16, and the average age for women is about 15.


So yes, this means that some 11-12 year olds are having sex... but it's pretty rare. This also means that some people don't have sex until 18, 19, 20, 21 or until they marry.

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thats very true... some pople lose their virginity as as 13 or could be older than 30's.... people are different and there may be problems, inmaturities, and religion infront of it all so... you can never get a clear and acurate scale. What I would say is that people in their 20's or late teens have a popularity for having sex... but that does not mean they have not had it before.....

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The normal range in the United States seems to be 15-17, some people wait longer and some people have it earlier but that is the average range. Its not important to pay attention to the average when you and your partner are ready to have sex and you can realize the implications of sex then its appropriate to have it. Make sure that you use protection when you have sex and be smart about it.

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Hey , I have a pretty basic question.

I was just wondering what the average age of first having sex is. I am with my girlfriend for 5 months right now, and I'm not expecting to have sex anytime soon, I would, if she was ready though. I really care about her feelings and wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

I guess I am just curious, and I know that every relationship is different, but please reply. Thanks.


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I lost my virginity to my current boyfriend, so I was 23 years old. The reason why I waited so long was I wanted to be with someone that I really loved and trusted, because it's important to feel 100% comfortable with sex. I'm so glad that I waited until I found "the one" because I've talked with friends who had sex for the first time when they were 14-17 years old, and they all either regret it or say that it wasn't all that great or special. It kind of translates to their current attitudes about sex; it wasn't a big deal when they were younger and it's not a big deal now. I see it differently, and every time my boyfriend and I have sex it's not just a fun thing to do that feels good, it's also a way to reaffirm and strengthen our love I'm not saying that you should wait until marriage or until you meet someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with. I'm just saying that you should do it because you love and trust her when you are absolutely emotionally ready for it. Good luck

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In the Netherlands it is 18 (not sure why we compare ourselves to the Netherlands, maybe because it is at the other end of the scale)


Eh? The average is 16.6 in the Netherlands. However if there are more people like me, 18 could be about right, as I was 20. (Rich, what do you mean by the latter? Just curious ) We also have low rate of teen pregnancies when compared to the rest of Europe, especially UK.


I agree with annie, statistics are not really useful here. Sex comes when the time and person are right for you. Don't force it for the sake of some statistic or some kind of peer pressure.



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