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Need help saving marriage


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I have been with my wife for nearly 17 years, we have had our ups and downs which lead to us separating last October. We still got on so well and things were great between us so we decided to give things another go so I have now moved back in but live seems so mundane and boring, this is mainly my thought as my wife seems to come up with all the ideas of things to do both by ourself or with our 3 children.


So what I'm asking for is suggestions as to how I can freshen up our relationship again and things to do or places to take my wife around the kids and in a budget, I have never been very good at this type of thing and always end up doing the same things at the same places. Any ideas or suggestions would be very gratefully received

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Can you all pick up a sport together? That's a cheap way to organise outings. My family and I go hiking/walking along the beaches/mountains around where we live. It's great for so many reasons - get out in nature/fresh air and get some exercise, instil lifelong healthy habits in your kids. If you don't like hiking maybe you can find a bike riding trail or even just take a picnic out to a nice open space every now and then.


Other things you could do would be to build something or start some sort of hands on project that you can all contribute to when you've got time. A Rube Goldberg machine could be fun, or learn how to create animated videos and get the kids to do voiceovers.


Plenty of things you can come up with if you put your mind to it

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It's apple picking season in our area...around here the farms are always a good choice. There is always something new in season, you can visit the animals, they always have activities for the kids. (and while it's not free, you end up with food and you DO have to eat...)


Board games are our go-to rainy day activity. There are some good new ones out since we were kids.


Getting the kids to walk used to be like pulling teeth until we installed Pokémon Go. Now, we like to go visit small towns around the area, walk down Main Street, go into all the little shops and the kids play Pokémon Go as we go.


It's getting colder now but camping? Fishing? Do you have a friend with a cottage or a boat? How about the beach? Or there are tons of conservation areas to explore around here.


You may wish to google "things to do in (insert your area)". In our area, there is a community calendar that lists all of the local events. There are all sorts of activities going on at the library, all the street festivals or fairs going on, the open house for the fire dept, etc.

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I'm glad you got to go back. I had to move out 6 weeks ago and whilst there's been plenty of 'I miss you' from her, there's been no actual invitations to come back


Ten pin bowling is always fun.





sorry off topic ...but hey carus ...great to see you bud xx ( shooting star, changed my name )


on topic ...after 17years I can imagine you have done everything and gone everywhere ...so I got nothing , I just wanted to say hello to carus

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We still got on so well and things were great between us so we decided to give things another go so I have now moved back in but live seems so mundane and boring


The issues that caused you to separate in the first place are likely unresolved, so I believe you're misinterpreting your feelings of anxiety for boredom.

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I have been with my wife for nearly 17 years, we have had our ups and downs which lead to us separating last October. We still got on so well and things were great between us so we decided to give things another go so I have now moved back in but live seems so mundane and boring, this is mainly my thought as my wife seems to come up with all the ideas of things to do both by ourself or with our 3 children.


So what I'm asking for is suggestions as to how I can freshen up our relationship again and things to do or places to take my wife around the kids and in a budget, I have never been very good at this type of thing and always end up doing the same things at the same places. Any ideas or suggestions would be very gratefully received


Things don't get freshend up by taking the kids places. Things get freshened up by alone time without the kids -- have the kids stay somewhere else and have the house to yourselves for a romantic night or go away together for the weekend for plenty of romantic time and plenty of time to just be together. Its not about everyday being Disneyland and coming up with places to impress the kids at. Its about getting back to be able to have honest heart to heart conversations and getting closer to your wife. All the constant activities are just a distraction. have you gone to marriage counseling?

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I have been with my wife for nearly 17 years, we have had our ups and downs which lead to us separating last October. We still got on so well and things were great between us so we decided to give things another go so I have now moved back in but live seems so mundane and boring, this is mainly my thought as my wife seems to come up with all the ideas of things to do both by ourself or with our 3 children.


So what I'm asking for is suggestions as to how I can freshen up our relationship again and things to do or places to take my wife around the kids and in a budget, I have never been very good at this type of thing and always end up doing the same things at the same places. Any ideas or suggestions would be very gratefully received


Not sure where you are, but if you are in the US, your local libary will have free passes to museums and play places, and discounts to tickets to amusement parks, zoos, aquariums, etc. Also, how old are the kids? Can you rent kayaks? Go camping? Groupon will have deals for things to do too.

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sorry off topic ...but hey carus ...great to see you bud xx ( shooting star, changed my name )


on topic ...after 17years I can imagine you have done everything and gone everywhere ...so I got nothing , I just wanted to say hello to carus

lol... Well that just made my day Will shoot you a PM. (Edit: Hmm. Can't seem to PM you)


On topic - Perhaps you should also do some research on different types of Love. Agapè love, Veteran love, that sort of thing.... You could even do this together...


Hope you are well


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