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Ex new girlfriend feeling threatened..?


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It's been several months since my ex and I broke up and we haven't had any contact ever since. He basically removed me from all his social media, changed his phone #, etc. Before we even broke up, he already had a new girlfriend on the side. The same girl he's with now, he left her first because he was still married at the time to another woman.

Long story short, yesterday was the first time I seen him since April 10th in a convience store getting gas for my car to go to work. I didn't think he would see me because he did but wait, he didn't speak to me at all. (I could care less that he did) About 20 minutes into my work shift, his new girlfriend messages me off his account first saying all kind of bad things about herself to me but I didn't fall for it. She also sent me a message claiming "Is my man texting you because I get his notifications to my phone when someone messages him" I told her she needs to take it up with him and she snapped at me, going off on me, cursing me out, telling me the two are engaged with a baby on the way, etc. When I first found out about this my mom and three co-workers messed with her on social media to see who she was except two of my co workers messages her and tell her about herself how she ruined my relationship with him, etc. Why confront me now when it happened in April? Why wait so long, is what I'm not understanding. Basically she was on BOTH accounts messaging me.. She also gave me her number? Would any of you give an ex your number? She also told me herself she was on his account sending me the messages but denies blocking me herself??? Remind you, my ex himself removed me as a friend only. He didn't block me at all because I didn't add him back nor did I message him. We were in our own lanes. My thing is that she's insecure or she's afraid of him leaving her again but it's on her because she went back to him a second time.


If she has my ex, why is she concerned about me now? My ex told her he didn't want nothing to do with me but she messages me AND tries to add me as a friend on Facebook knowing she's blocked me off his page. (Btw, this girl caused him to end relationships with his family, and friends. It's gotten bad from what I hear from others) What is your opinion on this situation? Obviously she wanted to shoved it down my throat she's engaged but I know she was only saying that because her profile still says "In a Relationship". Btw I'm 20, she's 31, and my ex is 25.

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Your mom and your co-workers harassed her?


You need to block her and him and not worry about them. It doesn't matter why she is doing anything. Get them both fully out of your life.


Tell your mom and your friends to be mad at the guy who cheated on you and dumped you, not the poor other woman he has duped. And any "co-worker" of mine who harassed someone in my name would get a court order.

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Your mom and your co-workers harassed her?


You need to block her and him and not worry about them. It doesn't matter why she is doing anything. Get them both fully out of your life.


Tell your mom and your friends to be mad at the guy who cheated on you and dumped you, not the poor other woman he has duped. And any "co-worker" of mine who harassed someone in my name would get a court order.


My mom didn't tell her anything, but as for my co-workers they ask her questions. Shouldn't they be mad at her too since she knew he had a girlfriend already?


Oh well, they are the least of my worries but what I went through yesterday made my blood boil.

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She sounds insecure which is typical of a relationship that starts out via cheating. I'd block her from all accounts and not respond or react to anything else that comes your way.


She has to be.. She also spoke bad about their relationship so I hope she knows that Karma is always watching. I let it go.

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Your ex is a player and a crappy bf so of course she is feeling threatened. You are focusing on the wrong facts. Your ex is the one who cheated on you. He is the one who betrayed you. He is not some helpless little boy. You need to stop blaming the wrong person. Trying to figure her is pointless. It doesn't change the fact that your ex is a cheater who plays women and then stands back watching them stupidly fight over him. This woman indeed has issues but your co workers ganging up on her online was cheap and pointless. No matter how you cut it HE was the real problem.

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This sounds more like a bunch of kids squabbling in a playground than people who are supposedly adults. And your MOM harassed her???


Unless you're enjoying all this petty fighting and mini-drama, block them and have nothing to do with them. Don't concern yourself with why she's contacting you now; that's her stuff. She's with a guy who's a player; that's her stuff too.


Don't waste any more time with all this rubbish!

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Your ex is a player and a crappy bf so of course she is feeling threatened. You are focusing on the wrong facts. Your ex is the one who cheated on you. He is the one who betrayed you. He is not some helpless little boy. You need to stop blaming the wrong person. Trying to figure her is pointless. It doesn't change the fact that your ex is a cheater who plays women and then stands back watching them stupidly fight over him. This woman indeed has issues but your co workers ganging up on her online was cheap and pointless. No matter how you cut it HE was the real problem.


I know he went back and told her he seen me, so she took it upon herself to message me. From his past relationship, the girls he betrayed/cheated on him so he thought it was okay to do it to me.


After several months it is indeed pointless, and I moved forward. From my POV, she has issues now but why try to add me on Facebook now?

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This sounds more like a bunch of kids squabbling in a playground than people who are supposedly adults. And your MOM harassed her???


Unless you're enjoying all this petty fighting and mini-drama, block them and have nothing to do with them. Don't concern yourself with why she's contacting you now; that's her stuff. She's with a guy who's a player; that's her stuff too.


Don't waste any more time with all this rubbish!


My mom didn't harass her. She said if she continued harassing me, she would take defence. I clearly wanted to end the conversation with her but she continuously kept adding to the fact she's a real woman, how he wants nothing to do with me etc.

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