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Help me understand him please?

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I started seeing this guy a week ago

We talked about a lot of things and we get along really well

Then somewhere along the line i asked what happened to his last relationship

He said it ended 6 months ago and it's over

His reasons were that she didn't appreciate anything that he did for her

And that she and her parents were taking advantages of him


Now, the problem is this...

This guy changes his WhatsApp profile picture like at least 3 times a day

His profile pictures are of him with different pose, posing with his fancy car etc

Like he's showing off how handsome he is...

And he updates his WhatsApp status EVERYDAY

and these status are always saying something like..

Let go of those who don't appreciate you...blah blah blah

Yesterday i asked him who are these status for?

He said "Past Relationship" and he always added.."But it's over now, I moved on"


Guys, seriously?

Has he really moved on?


What do i do with this guy?

I mean i know for a fact that they are never getting back together

But am i thinking too much?

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How old are you and how old is he? Sorry but I think his behaviour is quite immature. Also yeah it doesn't sound like he's moved on if he's going out of his way to post those constant statuses aimed at his ex. Also I think it's immature to air your dirty laundry in public like that, posting about your relationships. I know people can vent on social media but as adults we should try to deal with things directly in real life, not just criticise our ex on social media.

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I don't feel that he has totally moved on and that whatsapp thing is childish.


I was once with a guy who had finished a 2 year relationship about 6 months ago too and he was all "oh no, I've moved on. We broke up because she felt I didn't like her enough bla bla bla". He was also coming very strong on me. I had a gut feeling but I ignored it and kept dating him for a couple months. He ended up texting me that this wasn't going to work because he couldn't stop thinking about his ex. Then a couple days later I knew they had gotten back together.


What I mean is that if you don't feel that he's moved on it's a red flag for a possible relationship and you'll end up being a rebound.

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Sorry to say but he's still hung up on the ex if he mentions her this much as wants to put on a social media show to get her (or other's) attention. How does he act on dates?


Tread carefully even if he swears they are never getting back together. He is still revolving around her pining and trying to prove to himself that he's "moved on".

I started seeing this guy a week ago. Yesterday i asked him who are these status for? He said "Past Relationship" and he always added.."But it's over now, I moved on.
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He is definitely not over her. He is trying to show her what she missed out on and sounds like he is still hurting. Trying to upset her or hurt her by reminding her what she is losing or lost.

And he admitted he is doing these things for her.

No way is he over her or ready for any type of new relationship.

Don't get caught in the cross fire. Find someone else who is truly single and is not hurting over an ex.

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I'm just gonna dump him right away. Thanks guys. I'll probably have to block him everywhere.


He's 33, good Lord!! From what you described I thought it was someone MUCH younger. That behaviour even sounds like a teenager to me. First of all I think even if you aren't over someone, why post these childish statuses like: "You didn't appreciate me, you don't know how good you had it, etc." For one who wants to hear people go on and on about their personal problems on social media? And this relationship ended six months ago so even if he's not over it deep down, this is drama queen behaviour. And he changes his profile picture three times a day??!! Are you sure this guy is 33, not 13? Lol

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But am i thinking too much?





How do you know for a fact that the are never getting back together?


Sounds to me like it's not truly over.


Even if he doesn't like her, he's still emotionally involved.


and these status are always saying something like..

Let go of those who don't appreciate you...blah blah blah

Yesterday i asked him who are these status for?

He said "Past Relationship" and he always added.."But it's over now, I moved on"


Posts like ^that used to drive me crazy when I still had social media.

Those, and the ones that claim everyone is judging them for their tattoos and/or pitbulls.

Seriously people, you're the only one that cares about your tattoos/pitbulls.


Sorry, Dollita. Just venting.

In all honesty, I'd move on if I were you.

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