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Hey everyone! So a few weeks ago I posted my story and how I broke up with my ex boyfriend and I was a completely mess! Constantly crying and everything reminded me of him.


Flash forward to now! I am much more stable and don't really think about my ex as much! I know what times he has work so I try not to bump into him and it I see him I can say hi and not think anything about it! I think I'm starting to move on and counseling has really helped a lot


I just wanted to know if I should be friends with him. So after Columbus break (via my last post) my ex and I just stopped communicating, we would see each other on campus and avoid all eye contact and not exchange a word. This went on for about 2 weeks and I did my best to not reach out ( text, call etc) and I layed low because of my school work.


He slowly started to snap me and when he finally decided to text me to see how I was doing that conversation went no where. Again no communicating for a week after that text and this past weekend he texts me at 3am.


He asked me what I was doing tonight? And I said nothing much and he asked if I wanted to hang out. Long story short I asked him if he was drunk and he said he had gone out to party and had a few drinks but wasn't drunk. I ended up going over and we cached up on how classes were going and he grabs my hands and brings me towards him and we have sex. I slept over and he just kept being super affectionate and when one of his bros came to knock on his room and I told him I could leave he didn't want me too. Now when I was going out with him he was never the affectionate type of guy and it was very random if he was. That night he kept stroking my hair telling me how much he missed me and kept kissing my cheek and just wouldn't let go of me.


I spoke to a friend who is very close to him and I and she told me to stop. She said it feels good now but your going to end up getting hurt when he graduates and moves on next semester. I told her how he was so affectionate and this was a whole new side I have never seen before and she said yea it's because he was super horny when he texted you tf! Like think about it, has he mentioned anything about getting back together? No ok so he is just looking out for himself ! Part of me doesn't want to believe that because we had talked about being fwb and we tried it out at the beginning of the semester and since it didn't work out we stopped and that lead to us not communicating, but I can't help but think was I just a booty call?


I mean I was texted late at night and we didn't even hang out but get straight to having sex and he did go out and partied and we haven't talked in what like 2 weeks and you just randomly want to "hang out" at 4am? I'm not sure if I should just call it quits on this whole "friend" deal and move on because I went almost a month not talking to him and yet he manages to text me and I feel like I went running like a little dog to him. I know he wouldn't hurt me because I know him and he has told me more than often that he doesn't want to make me feel like I'm just a booty call. I need advice! What do I do? Help!

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We just made a year this past Sunday and he invited me to hang out with him and I did. We hung out and it felt like old times and he told me he really Truly cared about me. I explained I wanted to stop having sex and work towards being actual friends and he respected my decision. But I couldn't help but think back at this post and wonder if we could ever be just friends. Sunday was a start in genuinely just hanging out!

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