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How do I let him know I'm interested


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So I work at a grocery store and there is this guy who comes in pretty regularly and I'm very much attracted to him...but I don't know what to do about it.


I am afraid of rejection or just really the idea that he is in no way attracted to me and will think I'm weird if I were to suggest going out sometime or giving him my number or whatever.


What do I do?

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if you ever end up helping him with something or cashing him out, start with small talk. usually in retail environments you start with hello how are you and make eye contact and smile, gauge his response. if he makes eye contact back, he noticed you. if he keeps looking down, in his phone, wallet, bag, then chances are he is either having a bad day or is already taken. small talk never hurt anybody, coming from personal experience, and I have had customers turn into something more just because chemistry was there. good luck and make sure you make eye contact, it is very important

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If he comes in regularly that gives you plenty of opportunity. It could start with something simple like ... about the weather. Yes, plenty of eye contact.


Don't ever miss a chance because of fear of being rejected. Not just in this example, but generally. If you can't get the courage to make contact with a man then you aren't going to have a relationship therefore you are in the same position as being told no. At least when you know, even if the response is negative, you can move on.


It also helps to think about what he may be thinking if he does like you. Remember guys are frequently told things like, " just because she smiles at you doesn't mean she likes you ", or... " dude, she is just being nice to you because she works in a shop and it is her job " ... so you need to overcome that, and not be surprised if, at first, he doesn't pick up on your hints,


Another thing you could try is to give him the impression you like similar things.. maybe there is something he regularly buys you could make a casual comment on...eg- hey yeah, you were lucky to get those, we run out yesterday, I like them too. etc... there are a couple of other tricks you can try such as looking at him, and when he looks at you, look away, then look back to see if he is still looking... hopefully he will be, then you can do an embaressed... looking away again. This suggests you like him but are a little shy.

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Start with more chit chat and small talk. Perhaps talk about things that could gather some info, do that first not just slip him your number or blurt out getting together, he may have a gf, etc.

there is this guy who comes in pretty regularly and I'm very much attracted to him.I am afraid of rejection or just really the idea that he is in no way attracted to me and will think I'm weird if I were to suggest going out sometime or giving him my number or whatever.
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If he's a regular, then he's also a customer! So use that to your advantage.

Go up to him and greet him. Ask him if he needs any assistance? Then include that you notice that your a regular here! Do you live close by? Or you just love to shop here?

Then introduce yourself and go from there.

Good luck!

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Thank you everyone who has replied!

I have not seen him at the store yet but when I do I will take yalls advice.

I usually do make eye contact with him as he does with me. Sometimes men I am attracted to don't really look at me or give me the time of day when I'm ringing them up but this guy definitely looks me in the eye and seems like a very nice and personable guy so I'm hoping that's a good sign.

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