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The guy moved away for 5 months and hasn't called

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I was dating this guy for two months and we were absolutely inserperable. We were together pretty much every single day since the day we met and if we were not together we would talk on the phone. He kept telling me how different he felt with me than with other ex girlfriends, how much he really liked me, how amazing I was, how he thought of me in almost everything that he did.....and then two weeks ago, he told me he was moving away to another state for 5 months for a job. He said he'd call me within a few days of him getting to the new destination and it's now been 2 full weeks and I still have not received one phone call. I am dying and driving myself crazy wondering why he's being such a jerk and isn't simply picking up the phone to say that he cares.


Please help and give me some kind of sound advice so I can quit crying every night and agonizing over the fact that he hasn't called.

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Hey justine,


That's strange! Did you contact him? Like by email, or does he have a cellphone? I understand it must be driving you crazy. Maybe it helps to realize that up to now there has nothing but a blissful time together. It's not like the two of you were on bad terms when he left. I think that moving away for a longer time can be very draining. I moved to Italy for my studies, and I only found myself settled in a decent room with a phone after a month.


However, I did call my parents on arrival, just to let them know I was ok. I think if I were having a serious relationship at that point, the guy would have been the first to call.


You are now together for 2 months, which is short when looking at the period he will be living somewhere else. If there is anyway you can reach him, I would do that. Suppose you'd write an email, don't start accusing him of things, just express a general wonderment about how he is?



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Well, you guys are probably right. I wish he did have a cell phone, email or mailing address up there....he never gave me anything to contact him by and yet again there has still been no phone call whatsoever. '


If he really cares he'd call by now or maybe he's busy or something.


My next plan was to wait another two weeks and then if he hasn't called, I was going to call one of his friends that lives in Arizona to see where he might be because he left me with half of his own belongings when he had to move out of his apartment to move away for a while......so honestly if I had some of his things, wouldn't he automatically return to get them or something?

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