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Internet crush


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Ok I meet a guy on line we would flirt inbox crush on each other so we made plans to meet each other I was going to travel to were he lives but the timing wouldn't permit me so I told asked him to visit me instead I also offered to help with travel if he came so he agreed so he said his plane ticket was 895 which wasn't true and he wanted me to send him 300 then he said 200 so I'm like why can't you pay and I will give u something when he got here he was like he already made planes so I said ok send me flight info he sent the time so he kept asking me to wire the money I thought about it and I told him I feel he's so worried about me wiring the money for him to skip out on me he went on and on trying to convince me those were not his intentions so today I Tex him and said I wasn't going to be able to wire money I give it to him whn he get here... He then sent me this Tex that said I was bluffing and that he will pay his own way and thanks anyway! As I tried to respond it wouldn't allow me I went on his Facebook page and he blocked me.... Now I'm far from dum but do y'all think he was going to run off of I had of been tht dum to send him money? He didn't ask me I offered to help with travel but didn't say how much! What do you thinks?

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I work for a fraud company here in the U.S. and I deal with victims of these type of scams all the time and try to recover their losses. He was just trying to coerce you into giving him the money. It's a good thing that you didn't because he would have just blocked you and walked away. Don't talk to him if he attempts something like this again. These type of individuals keep asking for more, more, and more until you have virtually nothing left.

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Iv never internet dated but I'm glad I wasn't that stupid to send my money to him it was always something when I asked him to call or Tex he would say his phone broke then I thought if his phone broke how is he going call me when he get here then I asked him to give me info to

Send money just to see what he say he said we dnt have to talk I can inbox u on FB red Flag I knew it was a game then I'm not talking to anyone else on a social site any more!! Lol

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Yes I realized tht after I told him to call me and not talk through FB he said his phone was broke and tht he could give me the info through FB he then said he will call me from his dad phone but never did... He was also in a rush to get here before next month and I didn't no why to learn he has a court date in his home town on August 2nd I did a background check on him it was only for traffic but I also seen a post on his FB page when he said he was just trying to get a ticket from were he's at... I think I was crushing on him to hard and he thought I was a easy victim! He was go take tht money and buy a plane ticket far from me but I fooled him...sad folks tht desperate!

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I've been there. I talked to a "soldier" online back in August for two weeks, when he made up some bs story how he needed $3000 that's when I blocked him. I soon found out it was a scammer trolling dating sites using deceased military pictures which is sickening by itself to lure in woman.


Remember when you do go back to online dating Skype, it's free and that way you know who you are talking too.



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