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masturbation and religion? Two conficting ordeals...

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Roman chatolic priests are not allowed to get married.

How many of us can really believe they don't masturbate???? What do they do if their "thingy" is up in the morning?


Who gives them the right to tell me how masturbating is wrong after hearing about all those pedophilia incidents inside the church?



O.k. now it's just the matter of time when my post will be deleted.

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I too have seen Christian websites for and against masturbation. Some say if you just masturbate and think about the feeling instead of someone naked or something, the lust isn't there and it's thereforeeee not sinning. But, some say all sex is forbidden until marriage and masturbation is just "sex with your hand," so it counts.


Everyone sins from time to time and masturbation is one of the strongest addictions out there. So, just try to cut back on masturbating for God and if you give into the temptation to do it, just ask for forgiveness. God will understand.

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I think that if you feel guilty from masturbation, then you shouldn't do it.

It makes life a lot simpler that way. No guilt, and loads of pent up energy saved for when you finally do have sex.


Seems to me that the guilt is entirely externally imposed by religion - sex and sexual attraction are apparently matters to be deeply ashamed of. Social control masquerading as religion...

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Seems to me that the guilt is entirely externally imposed by religion - sex and sexual attraction are apparently matters to be deeply ashamed of. Social control masquerading as religion...


Completely agree with you here tim.Thankfully it isn't a burden that I have to carry.


If masturbation is a sin, then I'll be in the ninth level of hell.

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In Islam and Judaism, masturbation is a huge sin. In Christianity, it isn't... but some sects try to purport that it is... mistakingly citing the story of Onan as grounds for it. But if they understood anything, they'd know that Onan was killed not for beating off but for not honouring the law to take care of his dead brother's wife. Look it up and you'll see.

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  • 1 month later...

im also a Christian who is addicted to masturbating...the way i see it, masturbation alone is not a sin, but pornography or thinking if other people in a sexual way is a sin...so basically its not a sin, but it leads you to sin because unless your extremely talented its kinda hard to just masturbate and have a completely blank mind



-hope this helped

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The speaker said that even though masturbation isnt specifically stated in the bible, it's something that shouldn't be performed.


The whole point of this is that I don't want to get my religion mixed up with masturbation (christian)...you see any person you ask, well maybe not any, would say "masturbation is perfectly normal and heathy to do" (even doctors says it's heathy) I mean i don't deny that its unheathy or anything it's just that i get so confused because i get the normal sexual desires like any other teen...and i get ashamed because in christianity that would be lust.....im getting headaches just trying to sort this out..

it's almost impossible to not have some sort of sexual feelings for someone at one point or another. i mean something's not right


You are just discovering the contradiction between religion and "real life"...

What doctors say is healthy and is healthy, is not necessarily what is OK according to religion.


I am not going to get into a debate whether religion is right or not here (although it isn't ) because people simply don't back down when their religion is in question. i.e. the nature of religion is that you follow it despite evidence to the contrary.


What I'll say is this though. If you are Christian then you follow the Bible. Now the Speaker that was talking to you is contradicting the Bible... It's up to you who to believe, or to make up your mind which is correct. Religious leaders often complain about "á la carte Christians" (i.e. ones that pick and choose which rules they want to follow), but the fact that there is more than one Christian faith means that followers have no other choice. I mean there's no way for you to know that Catholicism is right and Protestantism is wrong, or vice versa, or that your Speaker the right interpretation of the Bible. No matter how much of an expert in Theology he is, there's probably another expert who has a differing opinion. So how are you supposed to know who is right?


I would say read the Bible, and decide for yourself what you think Jesus or God would think. I'd even argue to put more emphasis on the New Testament since Christians follow Christ! (hence the name)


One more thing, (syrix): Please don't bring paedophiles into this! OK there are a few paedophile priests but most aren't. And you deciding not to heed a priest's advice solely on the grounds that there are paedophile priests is an accusation against that particular priest that he's a paedophile!


You are saying, "Why should I listen to you? You're a paedophile!"

Not "Why should I listen to you? Someone in the same profession as you is a paedophile!"

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it does say in the bible that to lust over someone who is not your spouse is a sin. masturbation involves lusting .. and usualy over someone who yuor not married to. it doesnt say masturbation is a sin though.


is it possible for someone to masturbate and not fantasize but just think about what they are doing and enjoy the sensations????

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ok, put it another way! How are you to know your own body, what is pleasurable or not in order to show a future mate if you don't know what pleasure brings you? You need to experiment with your body and relax. The idea that it against the bible is not true. The bible spells out many things to us and if this was to be one of them, it would have said so. So enjoy your body and get to know yourself. You will be surprised how much easier it will be when a mate comes along.

Best of luck,

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