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Sex drive men vs women?


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I was talking to some friends the other day and the topic of men's and women's sex drive came up. One often gets the impression, not least in the media, that men (in general) are much more interested in sex and crave sex infinitely more than women. For example it's not uncommon to hear "accusations" about how men "only think about sex", "think with their penises" etc. Seldom or never are the same things said about women. So the impression is that sex is much more important to men than to women.


However, that is not my experience in the relationships I have had and from female friends I've talked to. I get the impression that the sex drive of men and women is much more evenly balanced. Maybe men's sexuality is just more outgoing? Or maybe men think more often about sex than women, but both genders want to do it roughly equally much?


What do you think?

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Interesting point, I agree with this 7;6604114] I get the impression that the sex drive of men and women is much more evenly balanced. Maybe men's sexuality is just more outgoing? Or maybe men think more often about sex than women, but both genders want to do it roughly equally much?

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There's a saying:

Men make love with their bodies.

Women make love with their minds.


Even though we are both similar in a lot of ways,

Men have emotional needs but are primarily motivated to have sex to satisfy a physical need.

Whereas women have physical needs but are motivated to have sex to satisfy an emotional need.


(this is a generalization)

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On the average, I think libidos are close, if not even. Even speaking personally, my girlfriend has a higher sex drive than me. Mine actually substantially fell off the further into my 20s I got.


I do think women have different motivations for sex, but that it's culturally driven rather than innately so. Traditionally, female sexuality has been heavily apothesized. There has been a big and recent cultural shift where it's become largely accepted by society and embraced by women that they, indeed, can enjoy sex for the sake of sex. Women openly enjoying a ONS or NSA arrangements are becoming increasingly mainstream, or at least on par with the men who enjoy the same.


It's hard to say for sure, but OLD (specifically the Tinder format) along with arguably the most liberal sexual attitude in Western history are pretty much shattering perceived gender boundaries when it comes to sex.

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I would say we're about even, just men are more vocal about wanting sex, women are frowned upon more than men for being vocal or having a liberal attitude towards sex.


In my experience apart from my current relationship, my sex drive has been roughly equal to or slightly higher than my partner's, with peaks and troughs throughout the relationship.


I think there is only a perceived difference because women are usually more selective and discreet.

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I can only speak for myself and my experiences. I have a healthy libido. That's a fact. But if my emotional needs are not being met, sex probably isn't going to happen. Once I feel connected and on track then it's a green light.


My experience from the men I've dated, it was a green light no matter the condition.

It seems men need to have sex first and therefore feel more emotionally connected as a benefit from it.

Women want the connection first to feel sexually motivated.


Hence, Venus vs Mars. That's what made John Gray rich and I just said it in a couple sentences.

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I had my male therapist tell me once:


"I wish I could tell all men just one thing. Just listen to your partner, reeeallly listen"

You'll get laid so much you won't know what to do with it"

Then again, we'd also have too much of a headache from having to squint to read between all the lines to enjoy it.
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I had my male therapist tell me once:


"I wish I could tell all men just one thing. Just listen to your partner, reeeallly listen"

You'll get laid so much you won't know what to do with it"


lol I think there is some wisdom in what that therapist said...

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