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LDR gone sour, block or leave?

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I started talking to a girl back in February and we are far apart in distance. We had a lot in common and I really thought she was sweet. I am quite busy and she started to video chat me and message a lot and we proceeded to get together with hopes of meeting at the end of this year.


She began to be clingy and over the top with regards to marriage and babies within a couple months. When I was at work I would come back to about 20 messages and she demanded to ring me constantly. I am 25. I use social media a lot also especially Facebook. When she didn't get her own way she would write statuses about me such as 'Where is he, why is he ignoring me?' 'Ugh, come back', 'So angry'. and more.


I asked her if they were about me and she denied it, I asked 4 or 5 times, she still denied they were. Then she gave up and told me that they were. I have never had someone treat me with that much disrespect before. I was very upset. I told her that it wasn't acceptable and have since broken it off.


I used to be a very caring guy, who did so much for others, but I got taken for a fool. I have stood my ground.


Since then, we have not spoken much, with her ignoring my replies to her messages, for hours on end. I feel it is a lost cause. I would appreciate any advice for this situation as in the past, blocking all contactable means has been my go to.


Thanks in hope

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Good call to end it. She revealed her true psycho colors early on and before meeting.


Agree...Full block and no contact is the only way to go with something like this.

I would come back to about 20 messages 'Where is he, why is he ignoring me?' 'Ugh, come back', 'So angry'.
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I told her that it wasn't acceptable and have since broken it off.



Since then, we have not spoken much, with her ignoring my replies to her messages, for hours on end. I feel it is a lost cause. I would appreciate any advice for this situation as in the past, blocking all contactable means has been my go to.


These two things confuse me about your post. Did you break it off, like you said in the first part - or not, like you imply in the second? If you broke it off, then yeah - it's a lost cause because it's over. So, I don't really get why there's contact going on at all. If you want some kind of hope for the relationship to work out, then why did you break it off? Or, did you take a break and then regret it?


You made the right decision ending it if you felt the way you did about her contact. She was clearly very insecure about where things stood with you, and yeah, that facebook activity and her lying about it would drive me nuts too. It just points to a level of deep insecurity that won't get fixed anytime soon, as well as some real immaturity.


She also makes the right call not responding to you right away either, although it's annoying if she's constantly reaching out.


It's up to you how you want to continue to end things with her. You already broke it off. You could send one more "So I hope you understand that I need to be out of touch for awhile and wish you well." Or something. But if you left things ambiguously or didn't ACTUALLY break it off, then you are giving her false hope here and continuing a string with her that isn't going to work out for either of you.

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