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Have started thinking about ex....

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Hi!! I dated my ex-boyfriend for 4 years. We broke up a little over a year ago. It was real hard for me at first, but I was finally able to move on with my life. Last week his mom sent me some things for my job and attached a note telling me where he lived and worked now. She always sends me things for work, but never talks about him. ( We work at the same school district, but different campuses.) I emailed her and told her thank you for the things she sent me and she responded by saying " I know it doesn't matter to you, but I want you to know Ryan doesn't have a girlfriend." Then she sent me some more personal things through campus mail. I had totally moved on, but now I can't stop thinking about him. Do you think he wanted her to tell me that so that I would respond by saying i was or wasn't dating anyone? I don't know what to think.

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Its probably both of them trying to get you to talk about it... he could want to know but doesnt want to directly ask you... or she could want you back in his life.


Either way its your decision. If you're over him, and thats working out, then keep it that way. Dont let them pressure you into liking him again.


good luck

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Awww - it's too bad you two broke up! She sounds like she'd be a great stepmom!!!


Tanned is wise - I think her advice is good. Listen to it.


However, you never know. Maybe he didn't ask his mom to ask you what's going on. Maybe his mom is just meddling because she'd like to see you back with her son...

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Maybe he didn't ask his mom to ask you what's going on. Maybe his mom is just meddling because she'd like to see you back with her son...


I tend to agree. She probably sees her son single, and wants him to be happy. She obviously likes you and misses you, so she put the two things together in her mind.


Obviously this is causing you some grief at the moment. Sit with it for a bit and then decide to:


1) don't bother acknowledging it


2) send her a polite response thanking her for the note, you appreciate that she thinks of you as a great catch for her son, but that he decided to end things, and that you don't think it would be appropriate for you to be contacting him.


Perhaps you could work on the wording... and perhaps best in person (if you still speak to her?).

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Who initiated the break-up and why?


Unless you ask you won't know who did what. But it doesn't really matter.


What does matter is what you want.


If you think you would like another chance at the relationship; send him an e-mail, ask how he's doing and suggest a coffee together. See how he responds. Proceed accordingly.


Whatever you do don't say "Your Mom seems to think we should get back together"' lol I am sure you would not but just in case!!


If you have no interest then just let it go.

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His mother could be sending you this information without his knowledge...because she thinks a good deal of you and she also loves her son. Her love for him doesn't mean she agrees with his decisions...such as him breaking up with you, yet as a parent she has to look over such things and let him live his life.


But that doesn't mean she's not a match maker and thinks you were both made for each other. I wish you the best in whatever decison you make...follow your instints.

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I don't think it was fair what just happened to you. If he's still interested in you, he should have just contacted you directly. If he wasn't behind it, his mom is involved in something she has no business with.


I wouldn't do anything right now if i were you. Let it cool down for a minute. If he's serious, he'll contact you again...

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