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How to tell if a guy is interested?


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I recently just started working at a new place about almost a week ago. The other day I was put on a shift with this guy who I had never met before, and it was only me and him working. He introduced himself, and since I am new, he was nice and answered any of my questions and showed me how to do a couple things. At one point around dinner time it got really slow and we had no customers since we work at a frozen yogurt shop. He started talking to me about work, asking me where I was from, what school I go to, etc. and told me about himself. We found out we are the same age, and live about a town away from each other. He did try to initiate conversation with me almost every time we spoke. Since I am still in 'training', my boss said that I do not get tips yet until I am finished. It is ridiculous, but it is what it is. I noticed that when it was time for us to leave, he waited for me so we could walk out together. When we were outside he gave me some of his tip money because he said that it wasn't right that I wasn't supposed to get anything, and that he wished someone would have done it for him when he was training. He also asked me when I was working next and he said he was working that day too.


I think it is too early on to tell if there is any attraction, but I am confused on how to tell if a guy is just being friendly or flirting? What are other signs I can look for in the future?

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I think you like him!


(Which is fine).


He sounds like a nice guy. But I think you need to get to know him a bit more before you will be able to determine if he is flirting. Everybody is different. He could just be really nice to everyone.

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Not interested in you, in that way. But who's not to say about the future?

He's just being friendly with you because the two of you will be working with each other from time to time.

I know that the majority of flirting involves questioning your bio? So it's normal to think that perhaps this person is trying to "feel me out" but under certain circumstances, it's just "breaking the ice" because he knows he's going to be around you for a ideal time.

Your job allows tips! And he feels that it is not fair for a new hire to not cash in the benefits. So he "broke you off sum" of his earnings.(which was nice of him)

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