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Spoke with ex and had a fight

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he broke up with me about a month ago. we shared an apartment and have only been talking about moving when we needed to. We talked tonight over text and kind of got into it by blaming each other for all the problems we ever had. He has never admit to anything he's done wrong. He blames me for absolutely everything. He never worked the whole time we were together, and would go hangout with his low life friends on a Monday after noon while I was at work and have a couple beers.....he makes me feel like I am CRAZY for being mad at this kind of behaviour. I did cause a lot of problems, I had some jealousy and insecurities issues that weren't fair to him at all, I accept this and want to move on from it. But he will never accept his wrong doings. I guess his life style just pissed me off and he can't understand that his life style was a major issue in our relationship. He doesn't see anything wrong with not working and drinking and hanging out with losers and I did.

I just feel like there is so much guilt he puts on me for the problems I caused. I just wish he would accept his wrong doings - but he can't see anything wrong with it I just want to move on. I guess we just weren't good for each other and espically not living together.

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My question, why did you date this loser to begin with? You knew that he was a lazy bum. Why would you be surprised it would end this way?


OMG! he didn't work for four years, and you stuck around????


Do better for yourself, next time! I highly suggest you seek therapy for co dependency.

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Well the demise of the relationship was both his and your responsibility. But as his ex-girlfriend, it's not really your job to try to convince him of your perspective. I would keep the communication limited to moving out. If he brings other things up, ignore it.

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It's over. You should have no reason to contact him, no less rehash all the issues.You must let go and go no contact. It doesn't matter who's right, who's wrong, who's to blame,etc. it's over.

We talked tonight over text and kind of got into it by blaming each other for all the problems we ever had.

I just feel like there is so much guilt he puts on me for the problems

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I feel there's no point trying to lay blame on either party..will it really make a difference? I think sometimes in life you have to just accept things for what they are and bring your own closure rather than arguing looking for it..it's not worth it

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