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What could be wrong?


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So, the other night around 2am this number called me. I didn't see it or check my phone until 7am, I called back and noticed it was my friends voice. At first, I didn't recognize the number. So, I'm guessing she got a new one or was using someone else's phone. This is what was said(I called instead of texting)


Me- Sorry I missed your call last night, I didn't see you had called until a few hours after

Her- It's okay. But I have to go, you probably wouldn't understand... You didn't even pick up my phone call. Talk to you later


She hung up, and I haven't contacted her since. What could be wrong? Should I try checking with her again?

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If you don't have any idea what could be wrong, then this is not your problem. Anyone who would call me at 2am when I'm asleep, and then be shady about what the call was about when I try to ask, is playing games and not worth my time. If there's something wrong that concerns you, she will let you know. If she doesn't, then you should shrug this off. And no, don't check in again. She's capable of responding to you enough to guilt trip you in her text back to you, so she's clearly in no danger.


I urge you to leave her alone unless you have real reason to be concerned.

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1 chance, call her and ask her "is everything ok?" If you get no return call back or answer proceed to below.


Disengage from this person.....they are troubled, clearly. 0 decency, 0 consideration or respect. 2am/new number and you expect a pick up? REALLY?


Bleh, i have very little tolerance for people like that

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Why is she calling from another number, no less at 2 am. Why are you even supposed to magically "understand" something like that? Why would you even apologize for missed a call from an unknown number at 2 am? Was she drunk?

the other night around 2am this number called me. I have to go, you probably wouldn't understand... You didn't even pick up my phone call.
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What could be wrong? Hmmmm, let me think. Kidnapped by Aliens, in the middle of a drug deal gone wrong, saw spirits at her house, best friend is a werewolf, flunked her chemistry exam, mother had an affair and is leaving her father. There's more but that's all I could think of spur of the moment.

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Anyone calling me at 2:00 a.m. then guilt tripping me about why I didn't pick up is automatically no longer a friend.


At 2:00 a.m. you had better be being kidnapped by aliens and leaving me a video of said kidnapping as you're floating up to that ship telling me you love me, here's what happened, please post this to CNN, and when the alien invasion hits kick their collective a&& to revenge my death full-on Deadpool style.


Or don't bother.

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