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Caught by mother in law!!!


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So they know you're fooling around. I'd be more concerned about my daughter planning marriage without taking a test drive...


If they have some older religious hangups, well... You probably should have thought about that and been more careful... Oh well... It's only a problem if you want it to be... They can give your fiance a hard time, cause family... But there's usually a point in life when you have to confront your parents and be your own person. Sucks it had to happen like that, but yeah.


I think plenty of us have awkward moments of getting caught... An active sex life takes some practice, just like masturbation... And like masturbation, you usually get caught by someone at least once...

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Well, to be honest, the parents might still think their daughter is a virgin. Now they have their doubts. She's only 20. Not like 27 or something like that. Getting married at your ages is pretty rare nowadays. They might just think less of their daughter. You are in the clear, because you can play innocent since you were receiving. Your fiancée is more scared about this than you should be. I'd make sure to give her any support she needs.

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The way I see it you don't need to do anything . You're both adults and as long as you're both consenting concerning the activities you take part in with each other whether sexual or otherwise Her parents shouldn't be involved at all , but I'd say it'd be better to avoid contact with her parents as much as possible to make sure nothing awkward happens and of course make sure that future sexual encounters are in your private residence not in her parents' . Good luck .

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Sure, it's embarrassing, but don't worry about it. It's just one of those things in life that happens. Don't say anything, don't bring it up, just move on. You'll have a tough time not being embarrassed when you see your future MIL for a little while - that's normal. Someday you and your bride to be will have a good laugh over it.


How many couples have been caught in the middle of their... recreational activity before?

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I would say who cares people do worse my mother in law walked in on me and my now wife while I was ejaculating all over her face and when she walked in I turned around and some cum got on her. We laugh about now. It's still embarrassing but who cares in a 100 years no one will care. Move on!
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