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i need help my ex bf have new Gf i want him back


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first of all sorry for my english im from malaysia anyway long story short were in long distance relationship were 3 years together he visited me here in asia twice... i was engaged hes family and my family agaisnt our relation becoz hes young 10 years diff.. im 30 and hes 20 ... we had on and off relation more than 20x but we geting bck together coz he dont hve a gf and i dont hve a bf either but this time its big changing after we broke up 2 months ago he already did hve a gf he show me the pic of hes new gf he seems happy....i block him on fb and i unblock him again coz i miss him and i was stalking to hes fb to see whats hes posting i miss him soo much so i send him message but he hate me soo much even though he is the one broke up on me .. for stupid reason.. about hes religion christian and i am catholic ..... anyway i send him mesage today he told me hes happy with hes new gf he thinking about hes new gf 24/7 and he is happy that me and him are over. but he hate me soo much that drive him crazy coz i wasted hes life 3 years ... he selfish .. he wasted mine too 3 years as well.. anyway i love him still and i miss him .. i want him back but seems like he hate me and hes happy with hes new gf... cant be with him coz were in long distance thousand miles away........... anyone can gve me nice advice? i miss him soo much and i love him

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It's time to set up a dating profile and browse dating apps and begin messaging and meeting new men. Stop creeping his fb or calling or messaging. He has moved on, has a new gf.... And you should do the same.

were in long distance relationship were 3 years together he visited me here in asia twice. im 30 and hes 20.we broke up 2 months ago he already did hve a gf he show me the pic of hes new gf he seems happy.i was stalking to hes fb.
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He's an immature 20 year .... in fact he was an even immaturer 17 year old when you first got together .... and at 30 years old I can't help but think you have been (and are still being) somewhat naive. Did you really think this was going to work? Plus you've only seen each other twice in 3 years.


A relationship with all these elements working against it was never going to work long-term. Now he has a new gf. There is nothing you can do other than to accept that it's over .... and was unlikely to have worked out anyway.

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He's an immature 20 year .... in fact he was an even immaturer 17 year old when you first got together .... and at 30 years old I can't help but think you have been (and are still being) somewhat naive. Did you really think this was going to work? Plus you've only seen each other twice in 3 years.


A relationship with all these elements working against it was never going to work long-term. Now he has a new gf. There is nothing you can do other than to accept that it's over .... and was unlikely to have worked out anyway.


Generally true but not all 17/20 year olds are the same. Funny thing is there's a bit of a double standard. If the boy was 30 and the girl 20, nobody would think too much of it. I think girls are, still on average, more emotionally mature than boys but, in my lifetime, I think the gap is narrowing.

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Generally true but not all 17/20 year olds are the same. Funny thing is there's a bit of a double standard. If the boy was 30 and the girl 20, nobody would think too much of it. I think girls are, still on average, more emotionally mature than boys but, in my lifetime, I think the gap is narrowing.


Maybe not but judging by what the OP has said he sounds pretty immature.


There isn't any double standards here for me. I have both a 17 and 20 year old daughter and I wouldn't be happy with my 17 year daughter interacting online with a 27 year old and neither would I be particularly happy with my 20 year old interacting with a 30 year old online. I would much prefer them to be interacting with people their own age in the real world.


That wasn't my point anyway. My point was a 17 year old guy really isn't going to be looking for long-term love, especially with someone so far away. He was most likely living a fantasy whilst also doing what most 17-20 year olds do closer to home.

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Maybe not but judging by what the OP has said he sounds pretty immature.


There isn't any double standards here for me. I have both a 17 and 20 year old daughter and I wouldn't be happy with my 17 year daughter interacting online with a 27 year old and neither would I be particularly happy with my 20 year old interacting with a 30 year old online. I would much prefer them to be interacting with people their own age in the real world.


That wasn't my point anyway. My point was a 17 year old guy really isn't going to be looking for long-term love, especially with someone so far away. He was most likely living a fantasy whilst also doing what most 17-20 year olds do closer to home.


I would not have been popular with you! I dated 19-year olds when in my 30s. I wasn't some clichéd sexual predator preying on innocent girls. One was much more experienced than I was and in both cases we met half way and neither were preying on the other. It just naturally clicked at the time.


I am 10 years older than my wife and have never cheated on her and she is the bossy one.

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