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I just broke up with my girlfriend on Valentine's day...


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Hi everyone!


My 5-month girlfriend and I just broke up, and I was hoping to get some advice. We first met through friends and things were great at first! I am 29, and she is 22. I just finished grad school and applying to vet school. She dropped-put of university (undergraduate), and doesn't know what she wants. She has a lot of anxiety problems (losing her hair) and family issues. I love her a lot and told her I would be there for her for as long as she wanted to because I went through a lot of stuff at the age (e.g. losing two parents), so I felt great empathy towards her.


Our canonical problem was sex. We had issues in the past where she felt that I didn't desire her enough and that I made her feel like crap because of that. We had several honest discussions about it. I acknowledged her feelings, and agreed to some part. She said that she had never had a guy go limp on her!! And I said: "well perhaps these guys only used you for sex, that they didn't see you as relationship material." I have been seeing a psychologist for some time about other issues, and we were talking about healthy relationships. My psychologist said that a successful long-term relationship needs three things: 1) Physical attraction 2) Friendship 3) A set of common values. I believed we had all threes. However, my ex thought that I didn't desire her.


I train regularly and work 6 days a week (some of it in a dairy farm). Recently, we spent ~1 week together and sometimes, I get tired. I just want to be cuddled and kissed. She is right: at first, I did want to be cuddled and scratched a lot. But then we talked and I re-adjusted. A problem she has is that she doesn't express herself clearly. I am clueless sometimes, and she feels that simply looking at me a certain way should be enough. Still, I make a lot of efforts to pleasure my girlfriend, but it's hard to do so when you're stressed and haven't slept well for a few days. She essentially goes to work at her natural food store, and work out. I don't remember the last time she initiated sex... I felt so much pressure.


She admitted that she tended to fixate on things and greatly appreciate what I do for her. She is seeing a therapist. I am sad, but told her that I love her and doesn't want to make her unhappy. So, we broke up, but I still want to be with her... She once told me that she was worried that as I go forward, I will put pressure on her to succeed. She says that we are not compatible, but besides the more frequent bad sex, I feel so happy with her. We share a lot of common values and laugh a lot.


Perhaps we aren't compatible... I'm sorry, I don't have a specific question... I just feel very sad right now...

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