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Are there any genuine work from home jobs?

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You know, the ones that aren't scams?


The reason I ask is that I recently switched from full-time work to part-time work in an effort to focus most of this year on getting and recovering from surgeries to reduce the acne scarring on my face. I still would like to have another source of income and that is why I am asking about work at home jobs. I wish there was some stuff like data entry, survey taking, video or online game testing, etc. that you could do totally from home. My personality also is one where I don't need to really talk to people everyday (INTJ I think last time I did the tests).

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There are several. 1800flowers, IT tech jobs, customer service jobs, and travel industry related.

You need a very fast Internet connection.


I looked into 1800FLOWERS and it is weird that they only allow you to work from home as a call center representative if you only live in a certain 10 states or so.... I am also looking into online tutoring...

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There are work from home jobs BUT stay away from surveys and "typing jobs" that promise you'll make bucket loads o' money.


Transcribing work is a good work at home job and head over to companies called Lionbridge or Appen to see if they're hiring for work at home projects. A friend of mine works for Appen and likes it. I also used to go to this job board for writing and editing jobs: It's the one job board I found that had legitimate jobs when I was first starting out working from home. The woman who runs it will screen them and anyone can send her an alert if something is a fraud.


First rule of working at home, if they do not treat you as an applicant the way a brick and mortar job will with a regular application filled out and/or testing to see if you can do the work AND they demand money up front for "training" or "buy our special machine/procedures/school" walk away.


As someone with a science background also look into online tutoring or other work in education. If you have writing and/or editing experience on science projects that can help too. What also helps when you're starting out is to list the job skills you do have, no matter how trivial, and then see what's out there that might be a good match. Good luck.

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I run my own tutoring business. I work from home online and go to the students' homes. For elementary school students, I charge $20 per hour. If I go to their home, $25. Middle school? History, Language Arts, Debate, etc...$25 per hour, more if I go to their homes. I mostly do science and math and that gets pricey. I have been doing a lot of chemistry and physics tutoring lately and that, my friend, is where the money is. $50 online per hour and more, depending on the age of the student, when I go to their home. It takes awhile to build up a clientele and you have to be very, very, good at your subjects, but it is a very pleasant, stress free, way of working. The only downside is the summer months. Some of my clients don't get tutoring over the summer. So, I squirrel away money during the school year. Try it. It might take a few months to find a few students you "click" with, but in the long run, it is a very nice way to earn a living. You also have to be very good at communicating with your students. I used to be a classroom teacher, so I didn't have to work at that. You also have to get along with the parents, which can be difficult at times. Try it, you've got nothing to lose.

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I tried a direct sales company a few years back and I learned that if you don't have rich people you know to sell to you are screwed. Also if you have no experience managing a company, you are screwed lol


I put in a LOT of work in 6months and got nowhere. It is a lot harder then they tell you it is. My leader did well but she had 20years experience running her own business and knew a lot of rich people

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I appreciate the responses suggesting tutoring. I have looked into online tutoring and signed up, but it seems like it would be more intense than in-person face to face tutoring. I read several reviews on sites like glassdoor and others from current and former online tutors and they said that there is sometimes a lot of stress because it is so fast-paced and the students usually only want the answers - they are not interested in actually understanding the material...


Thus, I am now leaning towards in person face-to-face tutoring for a number of reasons. I would like to work at a slower pace where I can really try to explain stuff to a person in ways that their regular teachers may not be able to. Furthermore, I still have all of my critical textbooks from my college days: calculus, physics, statics, thermodynamics, robotics, electrical engineering, etc. I am sure that those books are still valid even in this day of E-readers, etc. I am planning to not tutor out of my home since I still live with my parents, but rather at a local library. This would make it less awkward for the students and would also serve to sort of protect me somewhat from today's very litigious society (you know, people who falsely accuse others of inappropriate touching, harassment, etc.)... In a public place with security cameras, it would be harder for someone to make those allegations or prove them if they do so. I am starting to make my lesson plans, payment plans, etc. I am probably not ready to actually launch for a few more weeks.

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The main thing I really wish is that it wasn't so hard to find a job as a video game or online game tester!!! That seems like it would be perfect for an INTJ personality type such as myself - make money following your love of games!! Sadly those jobs are few and far between it seems and I don't have the necessary SW skills to make my own games.... Furthermore, most of my "entrepreneurial" friends from college who were very good at SW, ECE, hardware, game ideas, etc. and would likely want to start their own company, well life happened to them (married, kids of the way etc.).....

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