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video game lounge, Part 2


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Is that your favorite FF, John John? I really liked FFX, myself.
FFVIII all the way. I liked X a lot, and even X-2 (big fan of the job system). X and X-2 probably tie VII (best open-world of the post-SNES games). Liked XII a touch better though.




And, yes, I'm aware you didn't ask me.

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FFVIII all the way. I liked X a lot, and even X-2 (big fan of the job system). X and X-2 probably tie VII (best open-world of the post-SNES games). Liked XII a touch better though.




And, yes, I'm aware you didn't ask me.


FFVIII is criminally underrated! Guess people didn't understand the junction system!

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FFVIII is criminally underrated! Guess people didn't understand the junction system!
I'll be honest... I didn't like all the draw point grinding. Islands Closest to Heaven / Hell made it easier, but man. But when Galbadia Garden invaded Balamb's, it sealed it as my favorite of the series.
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I'll be honest... I didn't like all the draw point grinding. Islands Closest to Heaven / Hell made it easier, but man. But when Galbadia Garden invaded Balamb's, it sealed it as my favorite of the series.



I wasn't a huge fan of grinding either. I think I spammed Ultima weapon for Ultima spells though lol.


What makes VIII tied with VII as my second favorite after X was the story and amazing soundtrack. VIII's soundtrack was a huge step up from VIIs for me.


I have all the FF soundtracks and other games on my iPhone!

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FFXIII went a little too JRPG for my tastes. Same reason I could never get into FFIX even though it's a niche favorite for a lot of people. Though if it were the same mechanics but a different story / character lineup, I think I'd love the former.


Best Buy just had a deal on FFXV "Deluxe Edition" including the DLC season pass and a chocobo beanie for $60, so I bought it. Not that a grown ass man should have any use for a chocobo beanie, but maybe the girlfriend will think it's cute for her.

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I hated FFXIII. I mean, I played through it once, then had zero desire to ever play through it again (unlike FFVI - FFX, which I've played through them all multiple times).


I feel like FF took a huge nosedive in quality after FFX. FFX-2 was meh, FFXII had everything except an engaging story/character development, FFXIII was way too linear and didn't feel like an FF game. And I'll admit I never played FFXI or FFXIV, since I don't do online gaming.


Hoping FFXV will feel like an FF game, while also being innovative and different. So far, it looks really good.


FFX is still my all-time favorite RPG, followed closed by Xenoblade Chronicles, Chrono Trigger, Dragon Age: Origins and FFVII.

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I really loved the turn-based gameplay of battles. They got rid of that after FFX and that's when I stopped playing. I loved having to figure out how to defeat the big bosses that way.


world of final fantasy that came out Tuesday seems like a more traditional FF game.


It came out for both ps4 and vita.

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I really loved the turn-based gameplay of battles. They got rid of that after FFX and that's when I stopped playing. I loved having to figure out how to defeat the big bosses that way.


I don't mind them changing the battle system...it's just that the story in FFXII sucked (to me, FFXII was one big dungeon crawl/snoozefest, until right before the end), FFXIII's story was a bit better, but still cheesy, and the game just didn't feel like an FF game (no towns, no exploration, no side-quests aside from the 'marks').


Xenoblade Chronicles is game that you guys need to play if you love story driven RPGs.

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I don't mind them changing the battle system...it's just that the story in FFXII sucked (to me, FFXII was one big dungeon crawl/snoozefest, until right before the end), FFXIII's story was a bit better, but still cheesy, and the game just didn't feel like an FF game (no towns, no exploration, no side-quests aside from the 'marks').


Xenoblade Chronicles is game that you guys need to play if you love story driven RPGs.


FFXII was the one with Lightning, right? I got it, played it for a day, couldn't defeat the first major boss, traded it in. It was too hard.

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I hated FFXIII.


You've made me sad. I thought FFXIII was a brilliant game, albeit I had no experience with the series until I'd played it. I do agree it was linear (very tedious at times!), but I just loved the story and characters! One of the few games that have evoked emotion in me. Since then I've briefly played FFVI, FFX and FFXIV, all good games in their own right but they didn't quite capture my attention.


Really looking forward to FFXV. I got around to watching Kingsglaive the other day, which sets up the narrative quite nicely. I've tried to stay away from all the media coverage of it, but from what I've seen it looks AMAZING and I honestly cannot wait to play it!


FFXII was the one with Lightning, right? I got it, played it for a day, couldn't defeat the first major boss, traded it in. It was too hard.



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Haha sorry LW. Was FFXIII the first one you played. The first one I played was FFVI (FFIII on the SNES). From there, I felt they all got better with each installment, and for me, peaked at FFX. FFX to me had pretty much everything going for it that I want in an RPG, and it was the last one that (to me) had that FF "magic."


Hoping FFXV can steer the series back in the right direction. Cautiously optimistic.

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