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So about a month ago I meet a pretty cool woman who I really like. We hang out the first night all is well and just being myself. I keep space so I can keep her attention and make it fun so she wants to hang out again. Second time she came over we ended up having sex. I was kinda taken because of what she said but I kinda was like ok. So we are supposed to hang out tuesday and she flakes. I ignore it like it didn't happen and she calls me wednesday and she acts like a . She apologizes but I passed out due from lack of sleep. I wake up to a three texts and a missed call from her. The last text was along the lines of her saying I guess this didn't work the way we wanted it I wish you the best. I was like so I was like I understand. We started texting well she calls me on her way home Thursday to tell me she can't hang out due to being tired. I was busy so I just kinda played it calm. I thought about it later and I was like so I left her a message stating I don't like being blown off I think it's disrespectful that I set up a time and you can be a person of your word. She said work has gotten the best and she was truly sorry. She agreed to meet up two days later where I ended it because of the lack of respect. I am not a doormat and I demand respect. There are 24 hours in the day and she can't stop by for 5 minutes. She lives 5 minutes away so there isn't a excuse. I kept it calm and she gave me a couple bull reasons. I go home and go on facebook and she blocked me. We weren't even friends. I just don't understand why you would block someone if you are that interested and your not friends. I did it in person because I'm sick of girls complaining how many are sackless creatures and do over text. I figured be mature and show her what she missing and just be done. It's just hard because I had a good connection just don't understand.

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There is no friendship with people you date or women in general. Not if attraction is present from either side, that's quite opposite of friendship if you ask me.


What do you expect? You are the one that engaged with her "over texts" as well. That never turns out well as there is a HUGE gap in communication. What you say can be perceived by the other 100 different ways. If they are sad/mad, forget it....it's like fueling a fire. KEEP TEXTS LIMITED TO SHORT "I will be there in 15 min" TYPE OF THINGS.


Let her go, she is not a long term relationship material. She is also not very smart or mature IMO. Think about it, she slept with your on date 2. Do you really think she has never done that before with other men? I hope you used protection, if not, get yourself checked for STD.


She played you/used you.


Figure out what you are looking for. If it's a fling, go nuts/do whatever. If you want a long term relationship, I would suggest that you stay away from intimacy and take time to get to know the person well. LONG LONG LONG before any intimacy (this takes months).


Intimacy will only disabled you from thinking with your brain and enable you to think with your penis. It will make both parties cloudy and ignore clear red flags. I always recommend against it early on.


PS. Since intimacy is extremely important, it is important to discuss frequency and each others needs few months in. You do want to make sure you are compatible in that department.

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What you describe sounds like a bad connection, not a good one. You only knew each other for a month so it was too soon to be sure what kind of connection you two had. You both moved too fast without really getting to know each other first and this meant that you weren't able to deal with a communication break down. For what it's worth, flaking was indeed a red flag and you are probably best to leave things be. However, ending things also means that you let her go. If you ended it as a punishment, thinking that she would go after you, that is not cool either. You should not end things without really meaning it.


She probably blocked you because she is mad and/or hurt from you ending it. Not ending things through text was the right thing to do and good for you. However, nomatter how you end things, the person who is being on the receiving end of a break up is going to feel hurt and they are going to deal with it in their own way. She doesn't want to be reminded of you so she blocked you. It's her way of trying to move on. No need to be offended. It was your decision to end it. What she does afterwards does not really concern you.

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Yes, she shouldn't have cancelled, but life really does get in the way sometimes. On the other hand, sorry to say but just based on what you wrote, you handled the situation in a very rude way, so I'm not surprised she blocked you, I would have too.

All in all, you two were not a good match, and you both communicated very poorly.

It's done, let it go and move on.

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I don't buy the work got busy.. It could of but if she isn't quick to set up a future time, its only an excuse. There could be many reasons why she lost interest, maybe her ex is still in her life, maybe there was someone else, maybe she wasn't ready but needed you know a fix, easy lay.




Either way, she let her go, move on to someone else.

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Well, I'll be the one to suggest that maybe the sex wasn't great for her and she lost interest, thus flaked.


I think she blocked you because "stating I don't like being blown off I think it's disrespectful that I set up a time and you can be a person of your word" might have felt very negative to her and she no longer wanted you in her life in any way.

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You were tired.. can't she be too?


"So we are supposed to hang out tuesday and she flakes. I ignore it like it didn't happen and she calls me wednesday and she acts like a . She apologizes but I passed out due from lack of sleep. I wake up to a three texts and a missed call from her. The last text was along the lines of her saying I guess this didn't work the way we wanted it I wish you the best."

- I don't think you two are at all suited for each other.

So many accusations n expectations right off the bat!


Nothing even began before it's over. Get over it.. move on.

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I agree we were both into each other the night she came over so attraction was present. We both liked each other and it was good I always keep the texts short because you are right you can perceive a text two different ways. I'm a old school phone call type of person. I wore a condom to protect both of us. I don't believe that because when you met the right person it feels right my bestfriend married his gf after three dates. He knew she was the one they talked on the phone and now they have been together for a long time. I don't think it takes time it just takes a good enough connection and communication. Communications is key in any relationship

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honestly, I have been in over a lot of relationship and this one was the strongest because we both seemed mature. I told her to be honest with me and communicate and I would fight. When a girl flakes once and you ignore it its fine and she makes another date which she didn't and calls you and snaps because of lack of sleep and then blows you off the next day. I've learned if a woman likes you she will make efforts to see you. I dated a girl who was handicapped and I worked a 70+ hour work week and drove an hour to see her. When you know the value of someone you will see them no matter what.

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The reason I wanted to do it in person is im sick of people coming in and out of my life as they please. I didn't ignore because I think that's childish and not respectful. A mature individual talks things out. I did that and I listened to what she had to say. She told me she needed time when I really wanted to end if because she obviously wasn't that interested from the fact that she wanted time. I wanted to end it because I didn't want her to come in and out of my life.

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