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How long are dates and do they mean more when and how long they are


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After reading through other responses of my other posts, in between being called insecure and so on, but a lot of great input. I am curious about how dates count on where the early relationship is.


So first off, this is just a curiosity post. So I am at 5 dates with this gal now. Each date is planned simple and easy. They all have lasted 6-8 hours, all but one (that lasted 10 hours) on a week night, counting Sunday as a week night. Time flies by and we don't realize the time. So I am curious... would you put more weight on these 5 dates then a normal 1-2 hour date? Another gal I dated previous, we had 4 dates, none over 1.5 hours, some just a quick lunch coffee date, no big deal at all, barely even a date.I know it will go where it is going to go. I am feeling good about it right now, everything is working its self out, even my overthinking. I am just curious what you all think. I do think these 5 dates are a bit heavier than normal, (we have not had sex).

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Not really. It could just be that you and this gal have more free time that happens to sync up well.


I will say that yes, I would consider it a good sign if each time I saw a guy we lost track of time and ended up spending several hours together without even realizing it. It would not mean more to me than seeing a guy who makes time for a 1 hour lunch date here or there because he wants to see me but he's otherwise very busy.

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Not really. It could just be that you and this gal have more free time that happens to sync up well.


I will say that yes, I would consider it a good sign if each time I saw a guy we lost track of time and ended up spending several hours together without even realizing it. It would not mean more to me than seeing a guy who makes time for a 1 hour lunch date here or there because he wants to see me but he's otherwise very busy.


That's a new factor, how hard is it to make time!

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this is really just for fun. I am not looking for signs or anything special. I do like to hear how others think.


Personally, I don't keep track of time when on dates. If I'm enjoying the date, I'll stay longer (until I have to go, mostly because of timing), if I'm not enjoying the date, I'll leave early and there won't be a next date. This usually happens within the first 3 dates.


It's not a hard and fast rule but typically whether there is a next date and whether the person is enthusiastic about seeing you, is a good indicator of how things are going.

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