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My Ex Blocked Me After I Didn't Wish Him Happy Birthday


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Hey guys!


We broke up a month ago, after our first argument. I was hoping we'd resolve our problems in person next time we see each other but instead he went cold and started ignoring me. I tried to contact him few times and then went NC because I believe this is not how you're supposed to treat your partner. That's it, he actually never said anything else and neither did I. No closure at all.


However, I still have feelings for him.


It was his birthday the other day and I didn't wish him. The next day he blocked me on fb chat, but didn't unfriend me. Maybe he was expecting me to come back and beg for his attention & got angry when it didn't happen..?


So, my QUESTION is: Should I try and contact him once again?

Once he told me he wasn't sure if I truly loved him and it still haunts me till this day. Of course I told him I did but I'm naturally more 'reserved' than he is and we only were together for 3 months in total.


The argument was nothing too serious but it might have hurt his ego somehow... I don't know, we were both tired & slightly drunk. I would have never though it would turn out this way.

I'd love to talk things over but he never gave me a chance.


Also, his friend unfriended me on fb. Oh well.


Thanks for your opinions!

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We were together for 3 months (not very long I know) / We live in the same city / He started ignoring me after the argument (my last message to him was 'I'm so sorry that you're avoiding me, you should have told me if there's a problem' and no reply to this day)


Still don't understand it because he introduced me to his close friends and we already had future plans and such.

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What was the argument about? Did one of you actually say that it was over?


I don't know how old or experienced you are, but 3 months is really not a very long time. He may have been having doubts before the fight and it might have just been the proverbial straw. Unless you think there was some big misunderstanding that you could correct, I'm afraid I think that you have to let him go. If you think there is something you could say that might heal the rift, then, maybe fb message him. Say everything you can think to say, tell him you'd like to hear from him again, then, let it go. To be honest, I don't like your chances, but you never know. In any case, you'll have achieved a little closure in that you will have given it your best shot. If he doesn't come back, just be glad it ended after 3 months and not after 3 years.

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thanks for your responses. i greatly appreciate it.


i guess the logical part of me knows it's over,


we shared the same interests, but still there were some major differences between us - he's 10 years older, very extroverted while i'm more on the quiet side, cultural differences since we both grew up on different continents... and i could go on. we had this argument because of his female friend / colleague / flatmate. a stupid fight whether he spends too much time with her or not. i apologized the next day but he didn't even replied to that.


i actually think that if he didn't wanted to talk to me, he'd unfriended me or ignore me straight away after the fight happened. blocking me on fb chat after i didn't wish him happy happy birthday seems more like a hurt ego to me. but who knows.

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